Are Bullies Criminals?
Autor: Adnan • February 7, 2018 • 964 Words (4 Pages) • 1,035 Views
what the age of the bully is the victim is still going to be affected in some type of way. In the end even if it is an eight year old boy who is bullying another child he still should receive punishment even if it is sitting out of recess for the first offense, the child should still be punished. If children at a young age are able to get away with bullying, then when they get older they will think bullying is acceptable. That exact reason is why bullying needs to be took strictly and taught at a young age that it is unacceptable and wrong. At a young age children can be taught things easily and turned around and put in the right direction whereas a teenager is more defiant which equals harder to control and redirect. Age is just a number and does not mask over the fact that young children are getting away with bullying. In my past I was bullied in elementary school and I believe if it had stayed in elementary school and stopped I would be a different person today. Bullying changed me completely and has made me unsociable and very quiet because I fear that I am going to make somebody mad at me. Bullying ruined me and tore me apart, I am still picking up pieces of myself trying to do better, which is why I believe if the bullying stopped when I was young I would have an easier time today with making friends and being sociable. I have hope that one day bullying will cease or become rare, but it will never happen if people do not step up and stop it then it will continue to get worse and become a major problem.
Bullying should be taken much more seriously and people should see bullies as criminals because they are ruin children’s lives, breaking laws against harassment, and getting by with the fact that they are “young.” Let the suicidal death of Phoebe Prince and my personal experiences be an eyeopener to everybody. Get stricter on bullies and help educate the upcoming children in order to cease the bullying and save the lives of bully victims who everyday have the mental hardship of wanting to get out of bed and live. Together we can change the world because everything is on our side as long as we try.