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Abstract on Methods of Adoption of Administrative Decisions

Autor:   •  October 8, 2017  •  3,622 Words (15 Pages)  •  945 Views

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perspective; adjusting (short-term), aimed at providing implementation of the current and perspective decisions.

Depending on a circle of problems which are considered in the decision – complex, connected with change of many aspects of activity of the operated object; private (thematic), belonging to one of aspects of activity of the operated object; in their structure according to the prevailing contents distinguish technical, economic, social, organizational solutions.

On justification methods (with a certain degree of convention) – formalized at which justification mathematical methods are widely applied; non-formalizable which locate mainly heuristic methods.

Under the terms, in which they are accepted, the decisions made in the conditions of definiteness (they, as a rule, are well structured (determined)); the decisions made in the conditions of uncertainty, relating to the category search (they are often connected with quantum leaps in production development).

On a way of impact on the operated object – directive which are led up to the performer in the form of the order, the order obligatory for performance of indirect influence, development and which realization are carried out on the basis of use of stimulants of increase of production efficiency.

The specified classification helps to reveal the standard decisions which are characterized by a certain feature set and to develop for them standard processes of justification, acceptance and the organization of performance. Such typification of processes allows to define a circle of the decisions developed in certain divisions of management personnel and accepted at various hierarchical levels, structure of information used for this purpose, typical methods of information processing, system of registration of the made decisions of processes of their control and stimulation of performance.

Chapter 2. Methods of adoption of administrative decisions.

It is impossible to consider models of adoption of the administrative decision without consideration of methods of their acceptance. All methodology of adoption of administrative decisions can be subdivided into a certain number of various classifications. It is possible to carry three main which essence is as follows to a similar sort of classifications.

1) The methods based on intuition of the head which is caused by existence at him earlier saved up experience and the sum of knowledge in concrete sphere of activity that helps to choose and make the correct decision. The main emphasis from the head responsible for the decisions made by it, becomes on his vision and an assessment of a certain situation here. This method, certainly, has pluses and minuses. Pluses consist in rather easy and free understanding the manager of basic provisions of the task set for it, that is rather easy entry into a problem essence. However, at this method of decision-making of pluses much less, than minuses in which number it is possible to refer also distinctions in qualification of heads (experience and length of service); and incomparability with opinion of the majority, a consequence of that can be inconsistency in work of collective; and high risk; and often spontaneous character of the made decision, etc.

2) The methods based on concept of common sense when the head, making decisions proves them consecutive dogmas and proofs which contents relies on the practical experience which is saved up by it. This method is a full antipode previous. The strict sequence of the actions preceding decision-making is peculiar to this method. First, the clearness and maturity of procedure of the made decision is traced, higher quality of the decision and adequacy of its acceptance can be a consequence of that. Secondly, degree of risk to suffer losses and losses from the made decisions are much lower, than in the first case. And thirdly, works on development and the subsequent decision-making not only the head, but also all collective that, undoubtedly, affects efficiency of such decisions.

3) The methods based on the scientific and practical approach assuming a choice of optimum decisions on the basis of processing of a large number of information, and helping to prove the made decisions. This method demands application of modern technical means and, first of all, electronic computer facilities. Choice problem head of the decision one of the most important in modern management science. She assumes need of a comprehensive assessment by the head of a concrete situation and independence of acceptance of one of several versions of possible decisions by him.

As the head has opportunity to choose decisions, he bears responsibility for their execution. The made decisions come to executive bodies and are subject to control of their realization. Therefore management has to be purposeful, the purpose of management has to be known. In a control system the principle of a choice of the made decision from a certain set of decisions ("A tree of decisions") surely has to be observed. Than the choice, that effective management is more. At a choice of the administrative decision the following requirements are imposed to it:

• validity of the decision;

• choice optimality;

• competency of the decision;

• brevity and clarity;

• concreteness in time;

• addressing to performers;

efficiency of performance.

Chapter 3. Methods of modeling of decisions.

In the course of permission of complex problems for the purpose of strengthening of ability of the head to adoption of reasonable and objective decisions various scientific methods of their development and optimization which arsenal can be divided into two main classes can be applied:

• modeling methods;

• methods of expert estimates.


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