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Pneumonia Essay

Autor:   •  November 28, 2017  •  1,045 Words (5 Pages)  •  668 Views

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most patients will improve within 1-3 weeks. Elderly or debilitated patients may need longer

treatment. The Biggest risk factor for pneumococcal pneumonia in otherwise-healthy adults is

smoking appears. Also there are others effective preventative measures such as hand hygiene,

coughing into one's sleeve and wearing surgical masks by the sick. [8] [4]

The symptoms of pneumonia can include: Fever with or without chills, muscle aches, fatigue,

enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, chest pain, sore throat, coughing that usually brings up only

a small amount of mucus, shortness of breath, rapid breathing. patients may also notice

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heavy sweating, and mental confusion. Bacterial pneumonia in

children may have more subtle symptoms: related content, SLIDESHOW. Anatomy of a Sore

Throat, Start, labored and rapid breathing (more than 45 breaths a minute), Fever cough,

wheezing, bluish skin, lips, or fingertips, Infants may have less specific symptoms, such as

fussiness or difficulty feeding. patients have to tell doctor if they have any of the symptoms of

pneumonia. Most of the time, they will need immediate treatment to get better and avoid

complications. Also when the patients notice sharp chest pain does not get better, shortness of

breath gets worse, fingernails, toenails, and skin become dark or turn bluish and coughing up

blood. [5] [3]

In conclusion, The patients have to be careful with cough and cold medicines. They may not

be safe for young children or for people who have certain health problems, they have to check

the label first. If they do use these medicines, they always have to follow the directions about

how much to use based on age and weight. Also patients always have check to see if any over-

the-counter cough or cold medicines they are taking contain acetaminophen. If they do,

patients have to make sure the acetaminophen they are taking in their cold medicine plus any

other acetaminophen they may be taking is not higher than the daily recommended dose.

patients have to ask their doctor or pharmacist how much they can take every day. [2]

References 1- 2- 3- 4-






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