A Comparative Study on Paspalum Conjugatum as a Component of Recycled Cardboard Food Packaging Against Recycled Commercial Food Packaging in Terms of Their Durability in Particular of Tensile Strength
Autor: Maryam • February 13, 2018 • 6,676 Words (27 Pages) • 3,133 Views
Problem Statement and Objectives
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the presence of Paspalum sieberianum (Carabao grass) in the pulp of corrugated cardboard food packaging and its durability in terms of tensile strength compared to recycled commercial food packaging.
This study aims to:
- Produce a new renewable and recycled corrugated cardboard with Paspalum sieberianum (Carabao grass) as a pulp, and regular corrugated cardboard without grass as a pulp.
- Determine the tensile strength of the textiles being used as variables in the experiment; corrugated cardboards and styrofoam, by use of amount of mass (g) it could withstand.
- Compare and contrast the tensile strength of the carabao grass cardboard to regular recycled corrugated cardboard and commercial styrofoam food packaging.
- Determine whether or not corrugated cardboard with carabao grass as a pulp is as efficient as regular recycled corrugated cardboard and commercial styrofoam food packaging in packaging food.
If Paspalum sieberianum (Carabao grass) is used as a pulp in the making of corrugated cardboard food packaging, then it’s tensile strength would be significantly higher, therefore its durability better compared to corrugated cardboard food packaging without carabao grass as a pulp and also commercial food packaging made of non-biodegradable material.
Review of Related Literature
I. Introduction
A. Due to the hazardous effects of polycarbonate plastics to the Philippine environment, the significance of using alternative materials such as pa er- based products has been relevant to the country’s condition. (Valisno)
B. The significance of biodegradability has grown in interest by way of various cities in Metro Manila prohibiting the use of plastics in commercial use. In the same course of action, the Philippine government promoted biodegradability in using alternatives such as products with paper-based material; with the initiative of achieving environmental sustainability. (Valisno)
C. ln this review of related literature, the impact of biodegradability in commercial use, in particular of food packaging will be addressed, and at the same time, the feasibility of the relevance of the proposed research to improve the use of alternative materials for commercial use will be discussed.
ll. Body
A. The definitions of certain terms and variables will be discussed and addressed.
1. The durability and sustainability of the material of a product refers to the quality of the product whilst being eco-friendly. (Gabieta et al.)
a. Breaking strength is the amount of force the product could withstand.
b. Water retention is the amount of water the product could absorb
c. Qualitative results yield from the products’ appeal to the public.
2. Paspalum sieberianum (Carabao grass) is abundant in the Philippines and posses certain qualities that would make it an efficient pulp in paper-based products.
a. It is adhesively sticky in nature due to the presence of an homeostatic glucoside in its composition.
3. Polystyrene foam is considered as a polymer plastic and is made out of synthetic styrene, a plastic made out of non-renewable resource petroleum. (Travers 2884,2886)
a. Due to it being made out of a non-renewable resource, most people consider it as an environmental hazard.
4. Polycarbonate plastics are products of synthetic material produced from petroleum-based components. They are sturdy in nature, which is why these types of materials are frequently obtained for commercial use, in particular of food packaging. (s. 2676, 15th Cong. 2011)
a. Polystyrene falls under this collective term and is used in Styrofoam products.
b. Plastic is a broad term that pertains to polyvinyl chloride or PVC, which is used for insulation in food packaging.
c. These non-biodegradable materials posses particular qualities that prove to be efficient in food packaging.
5. Food packaging is the technology used for distribution of food products. By use of this technology it would ensure the quality of products through containment and insulation. (Coles 8)
a. Commercial food packaging uses materials that are best for the quality of containment, in terms of durability, and insulation.
b. The basic functions of food packaging pertain to containment, protection, preservation, information about the product, convenience. presentation, bra communication, and promotion.
B. Relevant studies and legal actions about the different terms and variables will be discussed.
1. Due to Polystyrene being made out of synthetic materials, such as petroleum by products, it does not biodegrade, and is therefore considered as a non- biodegradable material. (Friend)
a. Due to it being made out of non-renewable resources, it degrades at an extremely slow rate.
b. It was also researched that the gases used into making polystyrene foam include HCFC, which is considered as ozone depleting gas, making it hazardous to the environment and to the people chronically exposed to it.
2. Based on the research of the United Stated Environmental Protection Agency, styrene is considered as a possible carcinogen, meaning that it can disturb or disrupt the metabolic process of a human being. (USEPR) /
a. Workers producing polystyrene products have reported acute problems such as headache, eye irritation, and breathing problems (p6).
b. Some issues in the nervous system were also identified, including depression after chronic exposure (p.8).
3. The Philippine government has taken action into preventing and reducing the usage of polystyrene foam in the country, which can be seen in the House Bill 2676. (s. 2676, 15th Cong. 2011)
a. It was stated that there was a ban and reduction of polystyrene products in schools.