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Comunicative Competences

Autor:   •  February 28, 2018  •  Creative Writing  •  728 Words (3 Pages)  •  682 Views

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Comunicative competences


Communicative competences? Linguistic competence? Pragmatic and ideological competence? Those are questions that people could not answer immediately even for people who are immersed in the field of TESOL.

We think on a competent human being one who has a knowledge that allows to have an acceptable performance. However, if one does not recognize the cognition processes relying that knowledge, one would not understand when someone is competent (Bustamante, n.d).

An Engineer in technology was asked about what he understand about competence, he deduced that ‘competence is a set of qualities that let to develop a task or a job’, besides he explains that communicative competences for him are ‘those abilities that permit to manage different ways of communication to interact between people’.

On the other hand for him linguist competence is ‘the knowledge that people acquire from many languages to interact in different tongues’. Furthermore he explains the ideological competence as ‘the aptitudes and knowledge of every individual according to their social and cultural condition’.

Finally, he understands that pragmatic competence is ‘the way how people put in practice all the competences in different contexts’.

According to this information we can say that everything related to competence has to do with ‘abilities and knowledge in a certain time and space’

But another definition about competence according to an Electric engineer is ‘a process which we can compare a certain value with other one’. On the other hand the communicative competences are ‘the differences between the information’. For him linguist competence is ‘a comparison between tongues’. The pragmatic competence is ‘a comparison between goals’. And finally, the ideological competence is ‘the comparison of the concepts of the information’

Although it is not clear what he wants to deduce it is clear that he believe that competence is a ‘comparison or difference’ between different aspects or situations.

Now is time to explain them what is competence and how it works in a real context. This implies having a theory that can also be the encounter of several theories.

According to this by referring to a linguistic, communicative, ideological, or pragmatic competence, it is important first to have clear which aspects of theory of language imply competence and how they can be seen in the actual performance of a person (Bustamante, n.d). A competence requires a cognitive structure in charge of categorization, logical linking and abstract representations (Chomsky 1972; De Saussere, 1966). Knowledge is important here because by means of interaction those structures change, developing in new more organized structures.

Chomsky in Aspects


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