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Genesis Response

Autor:   •  June 10, 2018  •  1,000 Words (4 Pages)  •  698 Views

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be easily tempted by Eve into committing what is considered the first sin. When God confronts Adam, he easily pushes the blame of the tree of knowledge onto Eve. The stereotype of woman tempting men to sin or do wrong is seen in vast amount of stories after the Bible.

Finally, the first woman created next to Adam is Eve. Patriarchy and sexism is portrayed throughout the first three chapters of the Bible. First, God creates woman for the sake of accompanying man. There is already a distinct sense of superiority towards Adam when Eve is created. Adam says that "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because was taken out of man" (2:24). Eve, the first woman, is portrayed secondary to man. Furthermore, Eve is shown to be the one to tempt Adam into eating from the tree of knowledge. In a sense, Adam and Eve being kicked out of the Garden of Eden could be seen as Eve’s fault. This further implies the inferiority of woman. Another important relationship in the Bible is the one between Eve and the serpent. The serpent is only seen directly talking to Eve, putting her in darker lighting than Adam, who had no direct contact with the serpent. This may imply the impurity of woman in comparison to man. Finally, when God lays Adam and Eve’s punishment, He says "thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee" (3:18) If there was any question that woman is portrayed inferior to man, that is all cleared up by this line. Furthermore, it is said by the all powerful and all knowing God.

The portrayals of these three characters lead how billions of people have and still view themselves and others. The all powerfulness and fear of God can be seen in many texts; in the Bible and out. The power of man over the earth and woman can be seen in many cultures and can be seen today in modern society, despite how much has gone to change. The inferiority and sexism against woman is still a huge issue many woman face today. And many of these opinions are based heavily on the Bible. It’s only natural that a widely influential book such as the Bible dictate the views of people upon themselves and upon others, whether it be a positive of negative influence.


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