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Issues for Texas in the 2016 Presidential Election of Donald Trump

Autor:   •  November 26, 2018  •  1,229 Words (5 Pages)  •  669 Views

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In a presidential debate, Donald Trump always argues about the Muslim country. About the immigration, his first executive order was banning the seven Muslim countries to enter U.S. President Donald Trump marked an executive order on Jan 27, not allowing people for 120 days from seven Muslim countries for three months. The countries that are affected are Syria, Iran, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen (Mitchell 2). During the campaign, this was the promised he made to the U.S citizen. After the executive order was signed Muslim were not allowed to enter U.S at the same time Officers from Homeland Security weren't given any direction about the order how it would be enforced or implemented. Among these, there were lots of chaos and confusion. The ban trapped people with green card holders as well as individuals with valid visas. When Donald Trump signs the executive order, some people were on the flight or some people are just traveling were also unable to enter the U.S while they were landing. At that time some of the people from that Muslim country, they keep them as detained and other people are sent back to their own place from where they came from.

Most of the citizens of America think that there should be ban for the immigration to enter to The United States. Because of Immigrants, they think that they are losing their job, high increase in drugs, the crime rate is increasing day by day and they don't feel safe here. In fact, like other Immigrants should also have a right to live like all human being. U.S is a land of opportunities. People come to the United States from the different country with different hope and reason for a better life for their family as well as for them. Because of some immigrants that they have done a bad thing it doesn't mean that all the immigrant's bad person or terrorist for this country.


Work Cited

WINDERS, JAMIE. "Immigration and the 2016 Election." Southeastern Geographer, vol. 56, no. 3, Fall2016, pp. 291-296. EBSCOhost, url= Sep 10, 2017.

Abramson, Alana, and Katie Reilly. "Here's Everything President Trump Has Ever Said about DACA." Time.Com, 14 Sept. 2017, p. 1. EBSCOhost, url= Sep 14, 2017

Mitchell, Corey, and Francisco Vara-Orta. "Trump Orders on Immigration Rattle Educators." Education Week, vol. 36, no. 20, 08 Feb. 2017, pp. 1-16. EBSCOhost, url= Sep 14, 2017


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