How the Ottoman Conquest of Constantinople Contributed to the Renaissance
Autor: Rachel • March 24, 2018 • 815 Words (4 Pages) • 589 Views
The fall of Constantinople brought about the Renaissance in Europe, which was a period of intellectual curiosity where many long-standing beliefs were tested. The belief that religion, such as Christianity, should be the over-arching law for governments was challenged. The great thinkers and scientists in Europe during later centuries felt that liberty for people and freedom of thoughts and ideas was a far better goal for governments. They began to rebel against the notion of Kings and monarchs. European philosophers began debating the question of who should govern a nation and these philosophers argued for different forms of democracy. They argued that natural rights such as life, liberty, and property existed in the state of nature and could never be taken away or even voluntarily given up by individuals. These rights were “inalienable,” or impossible to surrender. These beliefs were later incorporated into the Declaration of Independence in the United States and incorporated into our Bill of Rights. By tracing history and the events after the Ottomans captured Constantinople, we can see that it gave rise to the Renaissance and an Age of Enlightment and the challenges to old ideas. These new ideas for government, first in Europe and later in America to a much greater degree, to create the system of freedom, rights, and privileges we enjoy in our country today. We can look at the Ottoman’s victory over Constantinople in the context that while it was a horrific event in its day, it set in motion the events that led up to the formation of our government that we enjoy in America and elsewhere in the world today.