Labor Accidents in Oil and Gas Industry in 2010
Autor: Maryam • February 3, 2019 • 2,481 Words (10 Pages) • 762 Views
The flaws and causes: The flaws and causes were later analyzed and then categorized as: Bad design decisions of the fire-fighting equipment (due to coupling and hence was ineffective), high chances of propagation of fire, inappropriate fire escape routes, no separation of production and the rest of the units, wrong decisions of production and expansion by having all units cluttered, improper management of personnel and hiring wrong people and lack in maintenance. Another flaw was that priority was given to production over safety, which means that small incidents were avoided in order to get good insurance but there was no facility to avoid or handle a catastrophic situation like this. There was less economic margin and more importance given to profit making over investment in safety. The government and safety regulations were not to mark either (Paté-Cornell,1992). The incident was clearly due to human factors issue with procedure and it caused a lot of improvements in standards.
(e.g., STYLE).
Second-order headings. These should be in uppercase and lowercase bold letters, flush with the left margin. Insert one line space above and below (e.g., Headings).
Third-order headings. These should be italics, indented, and followed by a period, run in at the beginning of the paragraph with no line space above. (e.g., Third-order headings.). Only the first letter of the first word is capitalized, unless other words in the heading are proper nouns.
Deep water
The References section does not need to start on its own page. Any sources used outside of the course materials should be clearly cited. References should be placed at the end of the text, listed alphabetically by the surname of the first author. Hanging indentions are preferred, with no additional spacing between references. Citations in the text should contain the author's surname and year of publication in parentheses (e.g., Johnson, 2012). For more information, consult the APA Publication Manual (6th edition, link for help).
“Direct quotes can be included in breakout quote areas like this. Use them judiciously.” (Lincoln, 1857)
Failure to do so will result in point loss. If you are unsure whether or not something needs to be referenced, err on the side of caution. If you don’t have any references, do not include a references section.
Equation Numbers
When numbering equations, enclose the numbers in parentheses and place them flush with the right margin. Here is an example:
2007 – 1957 = 50 (1)
Symbols and Abbreviations
Use only standard symbols and abbreviations. The use of SI (metric) units is strongly recommended. Consult the APA Publication Manual (Tables 4.4 and 4.5).
Tables and Figures
Placement in the text. Tables and figures may be inserted within the text near where they are first mentioned or in a group at the end of the proposal. Tables can span both columns.
Type size. The minimum acceptable type size for tables is 8 point.
Captions. Number tables and figures consecutively in Arabic numerals (e.g., Table 1, Figure 3).
Placement problems. The most common problem with images is that they don’t go where you want them to. One way to make figures and tables more manageable is to insert a table first, and then insert either your table or figure inside that table. Also inside that first table will be your caption. (above the table or below the figure). This will make it so that the figure won’t move outside of the table avoiding problems like in Figure 1. Unlike in Figure 2, you will want to make your initial table borders (shown in red in the figure) invisible. (select “No Borders”).
[pic 1]
Figure 1. Example problem inserting a figure without putting it in a table first. (table used here highlighted in red)
Placement in the text. Tables and figures can span both columns if needed.
Resolution. Line drawings, graphs, photos, and other graphics must be at least 200 dpi resolution after they have been re sized to fit in the document. For information about image resolution, go to:
[pic 2]
Figure 2. Example of a figure inside of a table.
The most common cause of missing graphics is linking rather than embedding. Graphics must be embedded within the file. A simple test will determine if your graphics are embedded. Print your submission from a computer other than the one where it was created. If the graphics do not print, they are not embedded. This is often an issue with images added to a document from an Apple computer.
The method section should follow directly after the Introduction section. Generally after the start of the Method section goes a short summary of the method. Depending on the type of paper you are writing this may or may not be relevant. More information about the types of papers and their sections is available here:
If doing an experiment outside of a normal office environment, or where slight changes in the lighting, sound, temperature, or other environmental factors may impact the results, please give a very short overview of the environment followed by a description of the specific relevant aspects (such as the temperature during the experiment) of the environment here. Be mindful that it should be generic enough to be recreated elsewhere, so, an exact room number is too specific.
If doing an experiment, provide relevant descriptive information on any test subjects involved in the experiment. Relevant information may include age (mean and standard deviation), gender breakdown, occupation, or physical characteristics of particular interest to the study (i.e. handedness).
If doing an experiment, include descriptions of all equipment used over the course