Characterization of Robber Barrons Dbq
Autor: Adnan • February 27, 2018 • 691 Words (3 Pages) • 637 Views
to public systems(Doc 7). Through this, he was able to fund colleges, the YMCA (a welfare movement) and many other things to help keep America a strong nation. Many deemed the working strategies and salaries from robber barons to be unfair to the masses as they forced competitors to reduce the wages of their men(Doc 6). Robber barons reduced salaries and focused on things other than the beautification of the working environment, because if not manufacturers would have had no wealth to redistribute to philanthropist purposes. The fact of the matter is that if it were not for these robber barons and their philanthropy, there would be no solid educational basis for America to grow from. And without some form of education, the innovations that Americas greatest inventors created would have not found their way to industrial success and popularity.
While it is true that these men widened the gap between the rich and poor, the argument that these men were more the leaders of a growing industry is even more valid. These men reformed the way America’s economy worked during this time period, just as during the reformation of public education changed the social classes during the antebellum era by allowing all access to education, furthering the American dream.These robber barons led the South away from sole agricultural economic dependence, but more importantly, they used their wealth for the growth of Americas industry. If these men did not transfer their wealth towards philanthropist educational development, there would have been no means for industrial development. If the American industry could not develop, it would never have risen to the industrial excellence it is today.