The Price of Being Right
Autor: Rachel • May 4, 2018 • 875 Words (4 Pages) • 662 Views
up cave with some food leaving it up to the gods to decide whether she lives or dies so he
would not be accused of blood guilt. (killing a family member) Before they can put her in t
the cave she hangs herself and is found by Haemon. Haemon becomes so enraged he
attempts to kill his father but kills himself. Creon, overwrought with grief, goes home to
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to his wife for comfort only to find that Eurydice has killed herelf once learning her son
was dead.
Antigone’s actions were wrong but she was guided by negative character traits and was
convinced she was right. She had broken a law of the land and deserved to be punished
because in reality she was not right at all. Would she have fought as hard for a stranger to
be buried? Of course not! The laws of the gods should apply to everyone and so should the
laws of the land. Antigone was convinced she was right, however, her convictions were a
burden she could not carry. What is morally right is not always legally right. We cannot
break the laws of man using the laws of God as an excuse. Antigone saw her behavior as
courageous and the king's behavior blasphemous. She felt she should have had praise and
honor for what she had done. Antigone and Creon were both overly proud and ultimately
the cause of their downfall. Antigone loses her life because of her pride and Creon loses
his family because of his. She drives the action and sets tradgedies in motion. The
characters in this story had to choose between right and wrong, between their beliefs and
the beliefs of others and lastly between the laws of the land and those of the gods.
Toward the end of the play it seems as if Sophocles wants the reader to sympathize with
Antigone but it is too late. Opinions of her behavior have been formed. Antigone stood
on the ultimate high moral ground. She seemed to be quite sure of herself but before she
is taken to her death cave you see a brief glimpse of regret for her decision. She made a
decision and in the end suffered the price of being right.