The Performance Enhancing Drug: A Poison That Has Continued to Spread, Despite Our Best Efforts to Suppress It
Autor: Tim • February 12, 2019 • 1,145 Words (5 Pages) • 815 Views
I had to show my knowledge of making calculations so that we could budget our money for all of the class activities. Despite the great efforts that the officers and I made to raise money for two years, we didn’t end up having enough to create the prom that we wanted. We held countless meetings where we continuously had to decide the necessities for prom and the unnecessary luxuries that we would have to leave out. We all had different ideas as to what we thought was necessary. At one of the meetings, I suggested that having a photo booth was necessary, while the rest of the officers thought otherwise. In order to convince them that I was right, I created a poll that would let the students decide whether they thought having a photo booth was a necessity. I brought the results to the next meeting as evidence that there must be a photo booth at prom. Not only did I have to use a logical appeal to communicate during financial issues, but also with issues that occurred during fundraisers at the AT&T Stadium concession stands. An important role for me, being a leader, is that I had to be a quick-thinker in conjunction with a problem-solver. Even though I was unfamiliar with all of the policies at the fundraising events, I had to act as if I was so that the other volunteers wouldn’t panic when we came across rude customers or other inconveniences.
Graduating as the Senior Vice President for North Side High School’s Class of 2017 taught me many characteristics that I know I will need to enter my next discourse communities here in college. Some may argue that I didn’t belong in the discourse community of class officers because I was never officially elected by my classmates, but my acts of communication using pathos, ethos, and logos lead me to where I ended up. I took over the responsibilities that many officers who were elected couldn’t execute. After being a member of that discourse community, I now feel that I am well prepared to join many others in the future.