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Shakespeare's Play Hamlet Claudius

Autor:   •  April 16, 2018  •  1,021 Words (5 Pages)  •  768 Views

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that Hamlet may clue into his plan. Claudius even says “ [Aside] It is the poison’d cup:it is too late.” proving that he did know that the glass she drank from was indeed the poisoned wine, but he did not care of his own wife’s life. Here Shakespeare is telling us that ambition has the ability to affect anyone and it can end badly for the ones you care most for.

Shakespeare also teaches us that ambition can ultimately lead to your own downfall, in Hamlet Claudius quickly rises to power using unconventional methods, and this eventually leads to his own demise. When the ghost of his murdered father appears to Hamlet he speaks of how Claudius killed him. Hamle then devises a plan on how to expose Claudius to prove he is guilty using some travelling actors in a play that is presented to the kingdom. As Claudius watches this play which closely he becomes flustered, and he goes to pray. At this time, Hamlet sees him, but does not kill him because Claudius would then go to heaven. Instead Hamlet wanted to take his life when he is in the middle of committing a sin. “am I then revenged To take him in the purging of his soul, When he is fit and season’d for his passage?” This shows that Hamlet believes that Claudius’ death is not enough; Hamlet wants Claudius to suffer for the horrible deeds he has done. Therefore, Claudius does not die until Act V when the tragic end comes to the entire family. After both Hamlet and Laertes are wounded with the poisoned tip of Laertes sword because this sword was switched to Hamlet, and after Gertrude drinks from a poisoned goblet, Hamlet forces the remaining drink upon Claudius and he dies. “Here, thou incestuous, murd’rous, damned Dane, Drink off this potion. Is thy union here? Follow my mother.” Wher’shen Hamlet forces Claudius to drink the poisoned wine he gets revenge for his father’s murder, his mother’s corruption, his mother’s death, and all other heinous crimes he committed. Claudius had this coming to him because he had done so many horrible things to gain power; power that he was not able to hold on to for long.

Being over ambitious can lead to one’s destruction or demise. In Shakespeare’s play Hamlet Claudius’ aspiration is one of the main focuses, Claudius is so thirsty for power that he is willing to commit unmentionable acts of scandallice. Due to his actions his family and kingdom turns against him and its leads to his undoing and his death. Claudius is used to teach us that we should not let our ambiton get the best of us and corrupt our honesty and righteousness.


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