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Multiculturalism in Canada

Autor:   •  December 7, 2017  •  2,471 Words (10 Pages)  •  822 Views

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same company. If companies want to build strong relations with employees in the company, these people should always be given an opportunity to prove themselves. Howard Brotz said in his article “ Multiculturalism in Canada: A muddle”, where he quotes” new non-white Canadians pose a serious challenge to the cultural tolerance”. This is indirectly hinting the reason why non white Canadians are not so successful in the companies they work. They are never promoted, as mentioned above because white Canadians feel like their dominance over non white Canadian will not have an importance. They don’t want other to succeed more than themselves, which is a huge growing concern at the moment in the Canada’s most populated city, Toronto. This policy needs to be emphasized more to promote equality. Many immigrant with university degree are working in places that requires a high school diploma, which is also making hard for Canadians to bring down the poverty levels in the country.

Assimilation Orientation

Multiculturalism plays a great role in developing the immigrants physiological and sociocultural wellbeing. Immigrants are able to adapt their new identity and part from their ethic identity. There are numerous studies done on this subject of identity. one particular study was done on ‘assimilation orientation’. This study shows how immigrant forget their old identity and adapt the new identity in order to mix with the people of different races. I personally agree with this, people try to adapt to adapt the western style in order to mix in with people. things such as drinking, smoking,short clothing,boy friend and girls friend concept will look awkward back home and people will find you a weird person because these things are not normal here. People, to fit in with everyone, adapt these things otherwise they feel isolated from the society. This is a good but bad at the same time bad because immigrants spend most of their life back home learning the culture, beliefs, they don’t come naturally and once the person moves a western country, all those beliefs and practises starts to disappear from your life. A big example is prayer, back home people prayer five times a day punctually and in the mosque and in when they move to western countries, they don’t even want to pray once a day. This shows how multiculturalism promotes “ethnic isolation”. Lot of ethnic people we see now a days seems depressed or worried about everything around them, because they are not as much social as they used to be back home. This leads to shorter life expectancy and spread of illnesses, such as depression,isolation etc. This great argument is supported by an article by Keith Banting “ Canadian Multiculturalism: Global Anxieties and Local Debates”, where he says multicultrism promotes “ ethnic isolation at ,society-level effects”.

Advantages and Disadvantages of promoting Multiculturalism:

There are many advantages of promoting multiculturalism and government takes as many as they can into account before officially making a policy. But as much as there are advantages, there are negative consequences of promoting multiculturalism as well. They will be discussed in detail below.

The main advantage of promoting the multiculturalism is the money inflow in the country. The more immigrants come to the country, the more money in taxes will be received by the government to be used in the country. There will more import and export businesses done with outside countries to full fill the demand of growing population. Canadian businesses will also succeed because more income will inflow the market, making the profits higher.

The other advantage to multiculturalism is to get people who are willing to do any kind of job socially low level jobs that locals are not willing to do because of their reputation in the society. They believe that they are meant to do the office jobs not the labour jobs for minimum wage. Therefore, immigrants can take advantage of it by making money in Canada by doing those low level jobs and live a descent life.

An other great advantage of promoting multiculturalism is to find the great talents out there. There are so many things that only experts can do and those expertise might not be able in a certain countries. Therefore, by allowing people to immigrate there opens a great opportunity to get those skill flu people all around the world and make good use of them in Canadian businesses. for example someone who is an expert in treating certain kind of disease such as Ebola, since this disease only spreads in that particular country if one day it initiates in Canada, there will be no cure for it and those experts will be needed to treat the disease.

An other great advantage that is thought of when promoting multiculturalism is a great relationship between the immigrant country and Canada. Therefore, import and export budget can stay on the positive. More foreign investor will be interested in Canadian company’s to invest their money in. This will remove any trade barriers they had before with the immigrant countries and Canadian companies can also operate in the immigrant countries to reduce significant costs such as labour, utility etc.

Finally, It is proven by many studies that Canadian born kids takes less interest in education and don’t continue after high school education. This creates labour shortage in companies that require certain education for the job to be performed adequately. Therefore, we see lot of immigrant kids are given scholarships to come to Canada and get the education and work for those companies because they are much hard working and focused.


The biggest disadvantage of promoting multiculturalism was violence. Government only looked at the positive sides of multiculturalism and completely neglected the negative side. over the pas few years, crime rate have gone up by a lot in Canada and most immigrants are the ones who are involved in these things because in their ethnic country, there are no rules and regulations and they are free to do what they want, and they assume the same in the western countries. According to a statics, they people include: Mexicans, africans,indians etc. They has really put fear in the hearts of Canadian born people and they are scared to leave their houses in certain areas. This also causes hatred in the hearts of Canadian born people for these people and that is when racism kicks in. Innocent kids of those countries are bullied bases on the acts of individuals and that has created a real tension in the country. Kids are bullied on daily basis in school, online etc, specially muslim kids because it


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