The Last Leaf
Autor: Adnan • September 26, 2017 • 1,202 Words (5 Pages) • 1,787 Views
The entire story has left in the hearts of reader a lot of meaningful themes. Firstly, the initial theme is about pessimism. Johnsy, the main character, seems to be a very pessimistic person. She has lost the entire positive attitude in life due to her disease and she is waiting for her death. She has made up her mind that she will die when the last leaf fall. That shows the mental and psychological conditionn of her and is describing the theme of pessimistic. “She was looking out the window and counting - counting backward”. Johnsy has showed extreme pessimism when she thinks the leaf “would surely fall during the night. I heard the wind. It will fall today and I shall die at the same time”. These words show her desperate and chaotic state of mind. She has supposed the things which have no logic and waiting for her death, or waiting for the last leaf to fall. Reading through all words of this story, the author helps us realize that pessimism is not good in any circumstance. Secondly, theme of hope is very nicely presented in this story. The doctor is a very optimistic person and he tries to make Johnsy realize that if she makes her mind that she will die when the last leaf fall, this can be harmful for her. He told her that he can only provide her medicine and that is effective as 50 percent, the next situation is in her hand. “I take away fifty percent from the curative power of medicines”, the doctor said. Therefore, O’Henry conveys the message that one never let go for hope and optimistic approach in life because the more positively we see the life, the better it would be. Thirdly, self-sacrifice is another theme present in the story. As I analysed above, Behrmen sacrifices his life to save Johnsy. He stays up during the cold night to paint a picture of the leaf on the window to bring hope for Johnsy. Because of this, Behrman comes down with pneumonia himself, and he dies. This clarifies that seft-sacrifice for others is greater and more precious than anything in the world. Finally, O.Henry describes true friendship between two friends Johnsy and Sue. They share a strong friendship, but it is not so easily defined. They care and love each other, and Sue supports Johnsy morally when she falls ill. Sue proves to be great support for Johnsy and she tries her best to bring back Johnsy towards life and in the world of optimism. "Dear, dear!" said Sue, leaning her worn face down toward the bed. "Think of me, if you won't think of yourself. What would I do?". These lines show the effective relationship between two friends. Mr. Behrman also shows great deal of love for these girls. Although he is bit careless person but he really cared for Johnsy and his love is shown by his painting for the sake of Johnsy’s life. The friend indeed is the friend in need and he or she will never abandon you when you are alone and need the help.
In conlusion, through the character of Berman, you can see that sometimes, greatness lies in some ordinary people and ordinary things. And sometimes, death gives human intangible power to continue life. The people who can create value to the society, families and friends are the most worshipful. These messages are spread through all the themes conveyed by O’Henry.
1. The Last Leaf Summary
2. Short Story: “The Last Leaf” by O’Henry
3. Analysis of “The Last Leaf”: