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Surfing's Up, Grades Down

Autor:   •  May 6, 2018  •  1,498 Words (6 Pages)  •  728 Views

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officials" to support the idea. another thing "Other officials say that they doubt that it is only or even the primary reason many of these students quit, it was the only thing that co-related among so many of them" first the same problem arises again here which is not specifying the officials and if they are even related to the topic, then the word they "Doubt" the author here is stating that to support his idea however it was not helpful cause since when facts became based on doubt! research and so many other tools can be used to give results not doubt, they doubt its one of the main if not the only reason students quit based on doubt just to support the idea of the author that time spent on the computers are the reason why students quit which is not necessarily true since each student has a different cause, just because it was a common trait means that it the main reason why they quit, this idea is supported by Zoe Williams from "The Guardian" saying that after alot of surveys the main reason students drop out is the financial problems they face, another report by "TheStateUniversity.Com" mentions reasons why students drop out are homesicknes, job force, no proper guidance, difficulty of the material studied, life situations, broken relationships and the party animal none of which the usage of computers was among so it is not necessiarly true that the usage of computers is the main reason.

In addition to the previously stated points, this article had some logical fallacies that made sense in the author’s opinion for example when Cordova says "sometimes i will at my office by 8 o’clock and then the next thing i know it’s 3a.m in the morning and i realize i forgot to eat" the author is trying to support his idea by appealing to pity of how would someone forget and not keep track of the time infront of these computers not only while doing the research but as well while talking to people and forgetting to eat, staying hungry and by getting consumed and not to do the normal routines of the day, another thing when Richard Wiggins says "There has always been something like that on campus, college students have always been dedicated to wasting time"which is an appeal to common practice assuming that students will always tend to waste time by mentioning that back in the days when he was a student they used to play pinball and that’s how they wasted time but now it is the computers that they use to waste time assuming that this is normal, have been always like that and will keep like that which is a hast generelization as well, another thing is "They have been staying all night doing this instead of doing their homework, eating or sleeping, of corse they are not going to make their 8A.M classes" the arguer claims that is a sort of chain reaction that usually end in some direconsequence but there is actually no enough evidence that if they stay up late, they won’t be able to make it to their classes in the morning.

the author in this article uses many fallacies to convince the reader of how online surfing and computers lead to students dropping out of schools and failing, he tries to open their eyes for this issue which is an important issue that must be taken into consideration and get further research done and studies. However; based here in the article on so many fallacies that are easy to contradict logically even if one did no research.


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