Of Mice and Men Summary
Autor: Adnan • December 13, 2017 • 1,255 Words (6 Pages) • 704 Views
say that the hate drove her to her death. Even though she was hated on this quote shows how she was on both sides of the hating."Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny."
Lennie also got a share of discrimination because of how he was mentally challenged, and what he did in the story. Lennie made a bad reputation for himself and it was easy for him to get into a bad situation. He was made fun of often for being mentally challenged but every time this happened he thought about the farm he was going to own. Lennie did have a dream of owning his own farm, but with discrimination in the way again his dreams aren’t met. Lennie has a tough time with breaking things and handling things too tough. He was caught up in a bad situation when he was accused of rape and driven out of the town. He received so much hate and they left the town to go to another farm, this put the dream even fewer there back. When at the new farm Curley was very rough on Lennie. He called him names and made fun of him nonstop. When Curley comes after Lennie in a fight, Lennie seriously hurts Curley. Lennie reacts from this fight by dreaming about the farm. Lennie gets completely backed up by George so he doesn’t really react, but when Curley’s wife goes to comfort him he breaks her neck by accident.
In conclusion, there is a lot of discrimination in this book, crooks receive sit because he is an African American, Curley’s wife receives it because she is a woman, and Lennie receives is because she is mentally ill. All of these characters react differently to the hate and they all have dreams. Crooks dreams of being free and having his own land, Curley’s wife dreamed of being an actor, and Lennie dreams of the farm he wants to own. Crooks dreams are ruined because of his race, Curley’s wife dreams were crushed as a kid, and Lennie’s dreams are ruined because he has died. All of these characters have dreams and they are ruined from the hate of others, they all react differently. Crooks just can’t do anything about it and keeps dreaming and reading books. Lennie has George deals with it, and he keeps dreaming. Curley’s wife reacts the most and changes the story because she is disloyal to Curley and the hate in her life results in her getting killed accidentally by Lennie. When she goes to Lennie and lets him touch her hair it leads to the killing of her because Lennie doesn’t realize how he is too rough. Discrimination is a very terrible thing and can affect everybody by ruining dreams and lives. Discrimination can make changes to any life because people react negatively to it, in other words it brings nothing but trouble.