The Global Climate Change
Autor: goude2017 • February 20, 2019 • 3,479 Words (14 Pages) • 882 Views
they can find out more about their objects. As a conclusion, children could make ‘books’
with drawings of their objects and what the evidence tells us.
- What will your community need?
Objectives: -obtain information about the climate change by using a CD, the Internet, an encyclopedia, to identify the causes and effects of the global warming.
The teacher will expain the importance of doing something for the community, so all the classroom can prepare a plan for action. It depends on the teacher, but the plan can be local, regional, national or international.
The teacher will form four small groups, with each group will focuse on one category and gather information in a different way.
- Media: Newspapers, Tv stations, web sites.
- Interviews: A person that could be knowledgeable about climate change and global warming where you live. (School, university..)
- Surveys: Family, other students, teachers..
- Observation and experience
After recolecting several ideas and surveys, the pupils will have to share their ideas. Making a plan for gatheringthe information in the for ways seen. As we are working in small groups, each group will have to involve people from another group. For example, everyone could help to conduct the survey and collect the results.
Record the information learned in the new section, “our community needs”. (The worksheet is attached on the next page)
2. “Gathering facts about climate change and global warming”
- Objectives: -understand the key concepts of climate change
-develop an awareness and understanding of the effects of climate change.
After understanding, reading, listening and processing what the climate change is about with the information gathered, the students will make handmade flashcards with the following tittle: “What's the deal with Global Warming?
Students will gather facts and teach to the other students what the have learned. On one side of the card, they will list a fact the have discovered and how it affects to a particular part of our world. The other students will have to add ideas.
Each group begins by selecting one of the following categories: People, Plants, Animals, Weather, Lans&Water, Health and Food. For each category, a fact will be provided to get started. The students will have to brainstorm additional questions and facts for each category and create the cards.
- Points to note: [pic 1]
This activity is designed to draw together the information the children have acquired.
It could be extended by producing a final piece of written work.
[pic 2]
Stage 2: Preparation
The students will investigate a climate change problem that is affecting their community. They will investigate the problem and decide to find ways to solve it. They will have to preprare, the main concept of this stage is having experiences all the time.
- Objectives: - To learn being a problemsolver
-to find out a problem and work on it in detail
-to record information about an fact accurately.
- Points to note: The teacher could play the role of being a famous entrepreneur and turn the ideas over and tell the students the negative parts of the pollution as positives. They will have to discuss.
This activities provides opportunities to discuss the beliefs and practices of recycling traditions and can contribute to children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
- What is causing all this heat?
Objetives: -to use the drawing skills making a comic strip
-to develop the creativity making stories
-to to use sources of information in ways which go beyond simple observation.
The teacher will explain the greenhouse effect, the heat source and the the types of gases. After explaining the students will have to create a comic strip that explains the climate change and showing to the other students what they can do to help the planet.
The activity will consist in:
Step 1: Create the main characters. What do they know about climate change? Who are they explaining these facts to?
Step2: Drawing a picture of what the student thinks the climate change looks like and what contributes to it.
Step3: Draw the plan for action.
After the session, the students will have to show and explain the comic strip to their classmates.
2. Find your carbon footprint
Objectives: Improve the recycling program
-discuss food waste.
-use ICT in classroom.
The teacher will explain what the Carbon Footprint is. By using fossil fuels, such as heating oil to keep your warm the house or gasoline for your family car, these things create carbon dioxide, also known as CO2. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Many scientists believe that greenhouse gases are making the Earth too hot. Your carbon footprint is the total amount of CO2 you create. A large carbon footprint is bad for the planet.
So in order to reduce each carbon footprint, the teacher will form groups to let the students find out their own carbonfoot print.There is a useful webpage where students will find it out by visiting The teacher also will promote the “Walking Wednesdays”, asking to the students -and families- to walk or bike to school or work.
Once the students have had calculate their own carbon footprints, they will make a list in a chart with changes that can reduce the