Karl Marx
Autor: Sharon • March 10, 2018 • 2,029 Words (9 Pages) • 769 Views
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Marx and Engles
Marx and Engles had a lot in common and formed a relationship that would last for the rest of each other’s lives. They both contributed to each other’s works, and co-wrote many things. The similarity in background between the two also meant a similarity in ideas. They both believed in the struggle of the proletariat and that it would rise up against the bourgeoisie.
Marx is considered to be the greater of the two philosophers. The one difference between the two was the way they solved problems. Marx would use historical research to solve a problem, and Engles used his imagination to figure things out. These differences in culture and similarities in beliefs went well with each other. This outlook on society and the class war was brilliant. It was their greatest work together, the communist manifesto, which achieved them their most popularity among the proletariat, and created the most problems with the government for the two.
Communist Manifesto or Manifest der Kommunistischen Partel, was a book written by Marx with insights from Engles. Basically meaning that Marx wrote it but he discussed the issues in the manifesto with Engles. It documents the objectives and principals of the Communist League, an organization of artist and intellectuals. It was published in London in 1848, shortly before the revolution in Paris. The manifesto is divided into four parts, and the beginning of the entire document reads "A specter is haunting Europe"
The first part talks about his ideas on history and a prediction on what is “yet to come”. He predicted a confrontation between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, the working class and the higher class. Because of the main logic behind capitalism, the bourgeoisie will seek more power and more wealth. With them doing this, the living conditions of the proletariat will decrease. Numbers of proletariat will increase as well as their political awareness, and will revolt against the bourgeoisie and will eventually win. [pic 3] In the second part Marx discusses the importance of Communism, and if private property is abolished, class distinctions will be as well. The second part also talks about the importance of the necessity of the proletariat and bourgeoisie being common and the level of class being the same.
The third part discusses other social ideas of the modern day. The final and fourth part discussed the differences between his political issues as apposed to those of the other oppositional parties. This part ends in bold capital letters "WORKINGMEN OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE!"
“The days of November 1850 fall almost exactly in the middle of Marx's life and they represent, not only externally, an important turning point in his life's work. Marx himself was keenly aware of this and Engles perhaps even more so”. (The Story of his life, Mehring, page 208) Living in political exile his life changed. His ideas weren’t followed like they were before. His isolation from the general public showed him a new light in his life.
Then, in 1855, his only son died. His son showed a lot of potential, and was the life of the family. When he died, Jenny became very sick with anxiety, and Marx himself became very depressed. He wrote to Engles "The house seems empty and deserted since the boy died. He was its life and soul. It is impossible to describe how much we miss him all of the time. I have suffered all sorts of misfortunes but now I know what real misfortune is...." (The Story of his Life, Mehring, page 247)
After the Communist League disbanded in 1852 Marx tried to create another organization just like it. Then, in 1862 the First International was established in London. Marx was the leader. He made the inaugural speech and governed the work of the governing body of the International. When the International declined, Marx recommended moving it to the United States. The ending of the International in 1878 took a lot out of Marx, and made him give up on his work, much like the ending of the Communist League had done. This time, it was for good.
The last ten years of his life is known as "a slow death". This is because during the last eight years, a lot of medical problems affected his life. In the autumn of 1873 he was infected by apoplexy, which effected his brain and made him unable to work. After weeks of treatment in Manchester, he recovered fully. “He controlled the demise of his health”. Instead of relaxing in his old age he went back to work on his own studies. His late nights and early mornings took a serious toll on his health in the last few years of his life. In January of 1883, after the death of his daughter Jenny, he suffered from Bronchitis, which made it almost impossible for him to swallow. The next month a tumor developed in his lung and soon took his life on March 14, 1883.
Although Marx's influence was not great during his life, after his death his works grew within the working class people. His ideas and theories became known as Marxism, and has been used to shape the ideas of most European and Asian countries. “The strength of the Proletariat has been due to the work of Marx. His ideals formed government known as Communism. Although he was never a rich man, his knowledge has been rich in importance for the struggle of the working class.”
Mehring, F, Karl Marx, The story of his life, London: Butler and Tanner
ltd., 1936 Marx, K, The Communist Manifesto, Germany: J. E. Burghard, 1848 "Karl Marx." Microsoft Encarta 96 Encyclopedia. Cd-Rom. Microsoft Corp.,