Albert Einstein
Autor: Maryam • December 24, 2017 • 1,700 Words (7 Pages) • 930 Views
A. You will make sure 1. that my clothes and laundry are kept in good order; 2. that I will receive my three meals regularly in my room; 3. that my bedroom and study are kept neat, and especially that my desk is left for my use only. B. You will renounce all personal relations with me insofar as they are not completely necessary for social reasons.... (Renn and Schulmann).
They also noted that Mileva should not wish for Einstein’s love and should follow his directions to leave his bedroom or study room (Renn and Schulmann[j][k][l]). Einstein, a philanderer, met Betty Neumann, the niece of a friend, when he married Elsa soon after his divorce with Mileva. But, according to Bahar Gholipour in life science[m], letters from Elsa’s daughter suggest that Einstein again had trouble choosing his wife between the daughter and the mother (Bahar, June 03, 2014). Although Elsa’s daughter Isle “who was 18 years younger than Einstein” never considered Albert as a husband, having the good sense not to get involved and only loving him as a father, but it was “Albert’s Woody Allen moment” (Alex Santoso). Elsa felt a surge of anxiety taking care of “famous[n]” Einstein with, undoubtedly, “infidelity and love affairs” (Alex Santoso) with other women, yet she tolerated them. He did not stop meeting more women secretly until Elsa’s death in 1936 while he was married to her even after ending his relationship with Betty Neumann in 1924. “In the new volume of letters released on Monday by Hebrew University in Jerusalem[o], Einstein talked about “six women as whom he spent time with and he received gifts from while being married to Elsa”(Alex Santoso). He used initials like ‘M’ and ‘L’ when describing his secret lovers. Einstein wrote in a letter to Margot in 1931 that M “followed [him] (to England) and her chasing after [him] [was] getting out of control” and “out of all the dames, [he] [was] in fact attached only to Mrs. L., who [was] absolutely harmless and decent” (Bahar). His failure to stay loyal to one woman and ceaseless attempts to meet new women brings attention to his unethical minds.
Einstein often made immoral choices in his life and caused much sorrow to many women, his first wife in particular. Einstein took delight in winning the Nobel Prize. He was a negligent father who was not interested in his children’s lives. The only time he intervened in Albert’s life was when he wanted to get married. Even at that time, Einstein opposed their marriage. Einstein was a cheater who had affairs with many women during his marriage. “Such a genius should be irreproachable in every respect,” Elsa once wrote about her husband in a letter. "But nature does not behave this way, where she gives extravagantly, she takes away extravagantly."
Works Cited[p]
Santoso, Alex. "10 Strange Facts About Einstein." 10 Strange Facts About Einstein. Neatorama, 26 Mar. 2007. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Bjerknes, Christopher Jon. Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist. Downers Grove, IL: XTX, 2002. Print.
Gholipour, By Bahar. "Einstein in Love: Letters Illuminate Genius' Dark Side." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 03 June 2014. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Karen C. Fox and Aries Keck, Einstein A to Z, 2004 "" - New Journal of Physics. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Krstic, D. “Mileva Einstein-Marić. In Hans Albert Einstein: reminiscences of his life and our life together. Einstein”, (85–99).[q] (1991) . Print.
Physics world, TC “The Other Side of Albert Einstein” January 2005. Web
Renn, J., and Schulmann, R. ed. The love letters. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Letters of Albert Einstein to Mileva Marić, 4 April 1901 and 27 March 1901, respectively, trans. Shawn Smith.) (1992)[r]
Smith, Dinitia. "Dark Side of Einstein Emerges in His Letters." The New York Times. The New York Times, 05 Nov. 1996. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Stachel, J. Albert Einstein and Mileva Marić: a collaboration that failed to develop(1996). Reprinted in Stachel, `J. Einstein, B to Z. (39–55) (2002). [s]
Stachel, J. The collected papers of Albert Einstein, Vol. 1. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (1987)
Works Cited[t]
Bjerknes, Christopher Jon. Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist. Downers Grove, IL: XTX, 2002. Print.
"Einstein A to Z by Karen C. Fox and Aries Keck." Einstein A to Z by Karen C. Fox and Aries Keck. N.p., 2005. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Einstein, Elizabeth Roboz. Hans Albert Einstein: Reminiscences of His Life and Our Life Together. IA City, IA: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, U of Iowa, 1991. Print.
Gholipour, Bahar. "Einstein in Love: Letters Illuminate Genius' Dark Side." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 03 June 2014. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Santoso, Alex. "10 Strange Facts About Einstein." 10 Strange Facts About Einstein. Neatorama, 26 Mar. 2007. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Smith, Dinitia. "Dark Side of Einstein Emerges in His Letters." The New York Times. The New York Times, 05 Nov. 1996. Web. 24 Nov. 2015.
Stachel, John. The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein. Princeton University