What Is Product Placement
Autor: Rachel • February 13, 2018 • 1,357 Words (6 Pages) • 635 Views
Disadvantages of Product Placement
The inconsistency of the placed product, the scenario, and the disturbance of the viewer by over-emphasizing is also a negative situation for the brands. It is possible that the viewer is disturbed by a product placed too far in the emotional scene of the directory / filmin and develops a negative attitude towards this product. Nevertheless, no product can be placed on every line. Although historical productions and popular productions are popular and successful, they are not suitable for the installation of current products due to the construction (Akkan, 2006). In Turkey, producers are hesitant to use this practice because of the statements in the regulation on product placement. Since the case-law with the subjective expressions has not yet occurredOpen spots and uncertainties. For example, since the verbs such as "excessive praising of the product, detailed description of the product, encouraging the buyer" are unclear, a clear answer is not given in the question "Will the products included in the publication repetitions be considered as covered advertisements?" However, "Should the channel cut them? Or should the advertisements charge money per publishing? "Are some of the pending questions about the application (Starcom Media, 2012).
Product placement is effective for marketing and cheaper than traditional advertising, so it is more reminiscent for the more preferred user, so advertisers prefer to use this technique in clips on films in games, and these products used by famous people in the audience are more sincere in the audience and they are willing to buy the product.
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