Law Notes
Autor: Jannisthomas • June 11, 2018 • 5,551 Words (23 Pages) • 701 Views
enough funds to repay loss, other partners must cover on behalf of the partner according to capital owned by partner at that moment
- Fiduciary Duty
o Highest level of faith and trust
o To place partner’s best interest above own’s and owed to act in the best interest
o No competition – especially where it is the partnership’s service
- Limited Partnership
o General and limited partner(s)
o Limited partners – not personally liable for losses, act more as investors
Cannot participate in management
Cannot be held forth as general partners
Some fiduciary duty, as relates to investment and accounting
o All partnerships require at least ONE general partners – provide collateral
o Limited partner may not participate in control of the business, and cannot take part in any public notice (appear on headings, official papers, etc) - only confined by investment and cannot take out investment until dissolution of partnership
o Require registration
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
o Creation of statute
o Intended for professions where liability is potentially huge and difficult to assess
Lawyers and Chartered Accountants
o Requires professionals governing association mandate minimum levels of liability insurance
o Partnership itself liable for acts of all partners, employees, etc
o Partners liable for own acts and acts of those supervised
o Individual partners not liable for negligent acts of other partners
o Shift to large-scale insurance schemes
- Sophisticated Partnerships
o Corporations can partner with one another
o Short term ventures are possible, as are continuing relations
o Term “partner” doesn’t necessarily refer to partnership, likely does not
- Trusts (NOT TESTED)
o used to pass on estates
o includes fiduciary duty – no personal profit, avoid conflict of interest, administer strictly for best interest
- Foundations of Corporate Law
o Combined concepts of partnerships and trusts form the basis of modern corporate law
Corporations – Nature and Characteristics
Boardmatch Canada
- Organization that matches person who is looking to be on a board of director
Historical Development
- Created by special charter
o Government pass law to create corporation (i.e. Hudson’s Bay Company – first corporation in Canada)
- Aimed at large public works
o Often things gov’t could not or did not want to do
- Problem of capital and limited liability
o Contributors distant from venture to muster large amount of diverse sources of capital
o No one would willingly assume personal liability
Natural Person Analogy
- Separate legal entity - existence in law but no material existence
- Directors control the management of a corporation (elected at beginning of corporations)
- Corporations ability to contract
o Only liable for own investment, personal assets are protected
- Limited Liability
o Natural person liability only extends to limits of his/her own individual property
- Problems
o Past: Corporations developed for specific purposes and cannot operate outside purpose (according to law)
- Constructive Notice & Ultra Vires Rule
o Parties are assumed to know any limits on the corporation
o Court treat statute and memorandum of association as body of law that powers corp
o Doctrine of COnstructive Notice - expectations that you must know the law but has been abolished in most General Act Juristdiction provinces - third parties not expected to examine memorandum and any act out of place in the position of a director would be considered Ultra Vire and become null
- Doctorative constructive notice – as people in the society, have to know the law
o Deemed to know the law
Nature of Corporation:
- Separate and distinct from shareholders, acts through authorized agents
- properly authorized agents may bind the corporation in contract with third parties
- SH possess limited liability for debt
- Corporation governed by statutory laws instead of contractual --> partnerships
Acting Through Agents
- Corporations can attract same rights, liabilities, obligations as individuals
o Problem with agents – in corporations, don’t know who is qualified to deal with corp
- Indoor Management Rule
o Indoor Management Rule - party