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Jill’s Table: Digitizing a Retail Legacy Marketing Report

Autor:   •  March 19, 2018  •  2,888 Words (12 Pages)  •  888 Views

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Above 65 years old

Most of the people in segment have retired. They have plenty time to spend on food and cooking. Yet because of the age, they are less exposed to the internet.



People in this segment are more sensitive to price because they have to prepare for daily meals.

Discover and foodies

These people are experts in food. They shop frequently and try to discover premium food and any other cooking tools. They tend to spend more money on cooking purely because they love food.

Holiday shoppers

People in this segment do not shop frequently. But they tend to spend more money on special days or festivals.


Based on the current brand and product, if Jill’s table wants to expand to online market, it should mainly focus on discoverers and foodies aging from 20-65. The first reason is that the customer base is large. The second reason is that they are more reachable in terms of online shopping.

- Alternatives

4.1 Channels (Place)

-Alternative one-Not to expand to online area


- It is easier to maintain the current customers’ loyalty. Because it does not have to face the side-effect brought from the online shopping. For example, if Jill’s Table makes any online promotion which does not offer in the retail store, it will have negative effect on the in-store regulars.

- Reduce the expansion risk. Since online market is quite saturated, it will be risky to expand to online area. Furthermore, the expansion will be time consuming.


- Limited by geographic factor, customer base is less likely to expand. Consequently, sales will be hard to increase. Since Jill has high expectation of increasing the revenue, not-to-expand decision will make Jill’s goal unlikely to realize.

-Alternative two-Open an online store in Amazon


- Taking advantage of Amazon’s reputation, Jill’s Table will be reached by customer easier.

- Cost saving. Amazon provides assistance to create an online shop which will save Jill’s Table’s cost.


- It will be difficult to differentiate Jill’s Table itself from a large amount of third party sellers.

- It does not match Jill’s Table’s branding. Since Jill’s Table focus on high-end customers, yet most of the third-party sellers in Amazon are relatively small.

-Alternative three-Create a comprehensive website which combine online store and blogs


- Jill’s Table takes the control of designing the website which can match company’s strategy and situation closely.

- Having an official website of the company matches the company’s branding.


- Time consuming and cost consuming.

- Higher risk. If the company does not make an in-depth research about the needs of customers and market situation, it will make it more difficult to expand online.

(See position map in appendix one)

4.2 Products

Currently, the product of the company are: kitchenware, specialty foods, cookware, tableware, gift baskets and electrics. Also, it offers cooking classes.

-Alternative one-Make no difference between in-store selling and online selling

This alternative treats in-store customers and online customers equally. Some of the products may not be available order online due to the shipping and food perish problems. Yet other products even the logo products and special packages are available on line. For the cooking classes, Jill’s Table can upload cooking class videos on the website so that customers do not need to be present in store. Also, in the video, Jill’s Table should use its cookware, bakeware, and tableware. And the information of the products can be mentioned before the video ends.


Attract more online customers because they do not have to visit the store yet get the high-quality products


Current in-store customers may be unhappy because they do not receive special treatment even they spend time on visiting the store, especially for those who have been Jill’s Table’s customers for years.

-Alternative two-Differentiate in-store products and online products

To maintain the in-store customers, product offerings should be adjusted. Besides the original products, Jill’s Table should provide some special gift packages which only available in store. Also, specialty foods which may not easy to ship should only be available in store. This will be a selling point for in-store selling.

In terms of online products, the main products should be kitchenware, cookware, tableware and gift baskets. Specialty food which is easy to perish is not available online. Additively, products should be shipped in a Jill’s Table logo box which has QR code on it. This will be a good and cheap way to advertise.

Cooking class is a crucial product for Jill’s Table. Because none of its competitor has similar products. Online cooking class should provide videos and literal instructions. The cooking class should not be limited by teaching people how to make dishes, but providing different cooking skills and related food knowledge. Also, the website should allow customers who paid for the cooking class comment and ask questions. With such interaction, the online cooking class will be more like the real cooking class.


Maintain the current in-store customers and expand online customer base.



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