Trusting Engaged Employees Are the Foundation of Effective Virtual Teams
Autor: Sara17 • September 4, 2018 • 1,080 Words (5 Pages) • 746 Views
Never Go in Alone - Written by David Barrett
With reading this chapter, there is one key lesson which I learned which is found right in the title of the chapter. The lesson is to not do anything alone, or assume that you are able to do it all by yourself, because two hands are definitely more useful than one, and “no man is an island”. It is evident that we as people do not have all the skills we need in life, and a lot of times a helping hand is what is needed to successfully get things done. In the case of Project Management, and building businesses, we are not going to have all the skills needed to start and successfully carry through a project on our own. This lesson is important to me, as someone who will one day open their own business in whichever field I take interest in, that not all can be done on my own. I understand that there are certain skill sets that will be needed to complete certain aspects of creating a business from scratch that I may not have, I am able to learn these skills yes, however with the help of others it can be a much more rewarding in the end, as a partner or someone to help can bring up ideas and methods in which you can bring your business that you may not have thought of, or ideas you can collaborate on to create something much greater in the end. This is an important lesson to all the future project managers out there, and also the entrepreneurs because it is important to know that, asking for help is not something to be ashamed of, or the assumption of being able to do it all on your own is not always going to work out for everybody. All the successful organizations and entrepreneurs have built a team of people who work with them and help them to obtain and retain the success they have today. It’s important to ask for help and not do things on your own because the results you may receive with a helping hand can be far greater than what it could have been if you had done things on your own. In order to incorporate this into my own practice, especially for my future is to simply ask for help when needed. With this knowledge, being aware of areas I may not be particularly skilled in, I believe that asking for help and finding a partner who is trustworthy and someone I am willing to do business with can ultimately help reach my end goal of creating a successful business of my own.