Onecafe Company Case
Autor: Sara17 • January 31, 2018 • 2,678 Words (11 Pages) • 975 Views
Question 4
Answer:- Reason of developing different segments: - the café marketing segmentations are developing on the base of café marketing strategy and identification of guests.
- Gaining and maintaining competitive features in the big customer market for cafe products and services is a very difficult work. It is much easier to achieve if cafe tries to attract all segments of the present market, in which the cafe can establish a competitive uniqueness. The cafe’s marketing managers and café marketers have used the market segmentations for uniqueness in the market.
- Secondly, segmentation is pursuing a café marketing strategy. The cafe targets the businessmen, local people and time off guests. Because the Ireland is the business based country There is no café that is famous without business.
- The enterprises are not afraid to spend money on their eating and enjoyments. Because they are not really paying their bill, their main companies have to pay all bills. The business class is not seasonal they are visit the cafe regularly.
- The OneCafe target the time off or local customers. They come because of marketing. The Overall 50% of annual income of the cafe is come from corporate persons.
- The café focus on the local and business person because they are the regular customer of the café.
Task 2
Question 1
Answer: - Marketing mix: - Marketing Mix is the set of controllable tool of marketing that the company mix to stimulate the good purchase. They represent the four key decision areas that marketers must control so that the café can satisfy or exceed guest needs better than the competition.
- Place:-The means by which goods and services get from company to guest and where they can be accessed by the consumer. The more places to purchase the good and the easier it is made to purchase it, the better for the business. For example the OneCafe is located on convince place. The customer or guest may assess this place easily. The cafe promotes them self in such way that attracts people toward this place.
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Pricing and service strategy: -according to the pricing and service strategy, the service is depend on cost, competition and demand. This element is important to set the financial objectives to be set and get by the café so get great market share. The One Cafe is used the demand and competitive oriented pricing strategy. If the café around this café increase the price, the Onecafe is also increased the price then the same concept applied on all and vice-versa. On the other side the service strategy is also changed time to time as per the guest requirement and need. The café is able to increase the brand loyalty and increase it sale by this strategy.
Task 3
Answer: - role of Promotion mix for cafe industry: - the promotion mix for café industry is presenting the facts and information of the product and service to the target market and local and business travelers. The promotion mix is very useful to increase the demands of the product and service, brand identity, and differentiate the product among the target market. The café’s marketers mostly use 4 type of promotion such as advertising, public relation, personal selling, sale promotion, to achieve the desire café’s goals. It has various goals and objectives to promote the product and service of the cafe like sale increase, brand equity, positioning and so on.
- Advertisement: -this is used to achieve a whole range of goals and objectives which may include changing attitudes of the guests and building cafe’s image and achieving sales and profits for cafe. The advertisement messages do not always have to be aimed directly at creating a café sale. It plays very vital role in achieving the café’s marketing goal and promote the café’s products and service on international level in international markets too.
- Sale promotions: - sale promotion is very easy way of promote the products and services that offers the guests, individual, re-seller a direct encouragement for purchasing a cafe’s goods and services. This type of encouragements that increase the values for the cafe’s goods and services might be in a form of a discount coupon, refunds and display. The features of cafe’s sales promotion that hold up the small period of encouragement of cafe’s service and goods, simple to connect to all communication media, designed to stimulate require demand and need of the goodss and services, successful in altering short term service performance. For example this cafe use the discount coupon for increase its sales.
- Personal selling: - personal selling is face to face communication with target market to inform each and everyone and affect the guests to buy the cafe’s goods and service. The characteristics of the cafe’s personal selling are like salesmen of the cafe can be important in making customers to purchase service and goods; personal selling has two ways of communications like question and feedback; message for target customers.
- Public relation: - the public relation is very active and important way of café promotion. According to the PR, it involves the planned promotion of goods, services, brand image of the cafe and so on. The long term relationship between the cafe and its guests. It consist of different activities by individual person and cafe organizations to promote to positive brand image and relationship among guests, investors, employees, employers, government, media, suppliers and so on.
Question 2
Answer: - Public relation (PR): - the public relations are the ways to creating and understanding the market by knowledge, and the PR mostly involves in effecting change in guest’s behavior. The PRs are the form of communication between cafe and guests. PR applies on every sort of cafe and management organization, whether it related to commercial, non commercial, public sector or pvt. sectors. PRs consist of all type of communications with all clients, customers with whom the cafe has contact and want to attract toward its goods or services. PR makes interested everyone. The purpose of Public Relation is to build smooth and close relationships with the advertiser’s such as publishers, stockholders, legislators and employees.
The PR focuses on to identify and make the public information about the guests. Traditionally, communications professionals of the cafe have perceived