Can the Brilliant Jerk Be Maneged Effectively?
Autor: Joshua • December 16, 2017 • 601 Words (3 Pages) • 673 Views
questionnaire that aredesigned to measure the more permanent emotional tendencies people have that make up their personality.
Article summary
There are employee who needs attention in the coming months those employee known by some as ``stars`` and by others as ``destructive heroes`` or ``brilliant jerks``, who generate a grate deal of business while creating problems for colleagues. They are more self-centered and want to take too much credit for success and they are generally unable adhere commonly shared values of members of the organization. However, the management response for this kind of behavior is too often ineffective and so much too slowly, often after most of the damage has been done.
According to Jack Welch, ``Jerks`` or ``bullies`` were referred to as a ``type 4`` manager, ``the person who delivers on all the commitments make the numbers, but doesn’t share the values.`` In 1992, Welch were fired those employees who had delivered good financial performance but didn’t practice the company’s value.
The author also raised leaders whom he respected in his past conclusion those leaders include listening what is going on, intervene the offender early, working on attitude improvement then terminating the employee who is unable to change. In otherwise, the best course of action may be not to hire this ``brilliant jerk``. According to Richared Fairbanks, `` at most companies, people spend 2% of their time recruiting and 75% managing their recruiting mistakes``. However, it’s hard to avoid the occasional hiring accident.
Conclusions and recommendation
Generally the issue raised in the article “can the brilliant jerk be managed effectively” is the most important and current issue in most organization. However, the author should include more literatures and journals published in the topic and tray to make a conclusion on the topic he raised.