Comment on the Article “a Natural Long-Term Rate”
Autor: Jannisthomas • February 26, 2018 • 1,576 Words (7 Pages) • 728 Views
Therefore, there are two reasons for the prolonged low real rate. The viewpoints in the article “A natural long-term rate” issued in October, 2013 are correct. However, along with the recovery of U.S. economy in a comprehensive way, Federal Reserve may further continue to raise interest rates in 2016 and U.S. will gradually return to the age of high real rate in future.
3. Conclusion
Based on the above analysis, conclusions can be made as following: firstly, though U.S. has gradually recovered from the financial crisis of 2008, it maintains a high personal saving rate while has a decline in fixed investment, which are mainly resulted from that considering the dim economic growth prospect and great risks of investment, people are reluctant to borrow against future wages and they lack confidence in making investments. Then the sluggish investment and saving glut further lowers the natural rate; secondly, Federal Reserve, as the maker of Federal Funds rate, has controlled policy rate at a low level to accelerate the recovery of U.S. economy, which leads to the low real rate of U.S. for a long period, especially coupled with the sluggish investment and saving glut. Thus, this essay supports the viewpoints from “A natural long-term rate”.
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Appendix: Figures
[pic 2]
Figure 1:personal saving rate of U.S.(2006-2016)Unit: %. Source: Trading Economic
[pic 3]
Figure 2 GDP of U.S. from 2005 to 2014. Source: Trading Economic
[pic 4]
Figure 3 Unemployment rate of U.S. from 2006 to 2016. Source: Trading Economic
[pic 5]
Figure 4. Mortgage rate of U.S. from 2006 to 2016. Source: Trading Economic
[pic 6]
Figure 5. Fed funds rate from 2006 to 2016. Source: Trading Economic