Ctrip Mobile Marketing Analysis
Autor: Maryam • April 12, 2018 • 1,702 Words (7 Pages) • 869 Views
Mobile payment, integrating mobile marketing and online payment in one mobile application, is another outstanding feature of mobile marketing that brings a lot of convenience and improves user experience to its customers. Ctrip mobile application has adopted several different payment methods to create maximum convenience to its users. Customers can not only pay directly through their Ctrip accounts, but also complete the transaction through the third party, such as online banking, Alipay, Apple Pay and so on, making it easier and more accessable than desktop payment.
Mobile Advertisements
Mobile advertisements remain one of the main mobile marketing strategies in Ctrip. As the biggest travel agency in China, Ctrip connects itself with numerous business partners in the travel industry to provide the best travelling experience to its users. Mobile advertisements become the best channel to advertise its promotion and travelling packages to the clients. Thanks to big data analytical tools, Ctrip could utilize its mobile advertisements according to different preferences, which could to a large extend improve the effectiveness of its mobile marketing.
Interacting with Other Marketing Tools
Ctrip has conducted an integrated marketing plan, trying to combine all different kinds of marketing tools together to have a better marketing performance. For example, all mobile application users will receive news letters from Ctrip to keep up with the news about Ctrip as well as beneficial travelling information. In addition, you can find direct link to Ctrip mobile application in all Ctrip social midea channels, such as Weibo, greatly improving the accessibility of its mobile application and brand awareness.
Improvement with Adobe Slate
Adobe Slate, with basic set of professional designed themes, is not only useful to create shareable presentations, such as texts, photos and so on, but also easy to use and fast to master, which makes it extremely useable and accessible. First of all, Ctrip could use Adobe Slate as a digital tool to manage the display of its Ctrip community where travelers could share and exchange their travelling experience in the mobile application. Secondly, Ctrip could try to form a business partnership with Adobe Slate, that Adobe Slate could design several Ctrip themes in their application for travelers to write their travelling stories and it will automatically share to Ctrip mobile community after being created, called “One click share”, which saves time and effort for travelers to copy the link and forward it to Ctrip mobile application. In this way, Adobe Slate also helps Ctrip increase brand awareness. In return, Ctrip could encourage its users to create and edit their travelling stories with Adobe Slate and whoever uses this software to create stories have the right to be published first and get several online coupons for their next trip. Besides, since Adobe Slate provides a unique link to every piece of work, Ctrip could also develop a code to identify and recognize the links of Adobe Slate. Once the webpages are finished on Adobe Slate and shared to Ctrip community, all the travelling stories will be automatically saved and stored to Ctrip database, which could be automatically shared to other social media channels, such as Weibo, search engines and so on, which could save a lot of time and effort in collecting and distributing information again.
Mobile marketing has grown to be one of the most influential aspect for digital marketing with great potential to keep developing. It is not only an effective tool to broaden marketing channels, but also of great significance for companies to engage and interact with its clients to improve customer satisfaction. Ctrip adopts mobile marketing to its marketing plan to seize more market share and engage more clients through its improved service and user friendly experience. With proper mobile application design with comprehensive features, Ctrip follows the future trend of mobile marketing and devotes a great amount of effort into improving its security and integration. Adobe Slate, a contents and photos editing software stood out for being easy to use, could provide Ctrip with more aspects of development, such as in managing its travelling display as well as deepening business corporation.
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