What Is a Great Workplace?
Autor: Joshua • October 25, 2018 • 1,528 Words (7 Pages) • 654 Views
The role of HR in workplace culture
Human resources department plays an important role in setting the tone of the company culture. The policies they issue can impact the cultural tone of a company. It is the role of HR to create as positive a workplace culture as possible. HR must create a culture that attracts talented employees and high-quality managers. They need to communicate with both managers and employees on a regular basis to find out what they want and try to provide a great workplace that aligns with the vision of upper management.
Recommendations [pic 1]
To manage diversity of a workplace to build an effective team for a great working environment, HR needs to encourage empathy and trust in others to foster the diversity. Companies can promote cultural differences by posting alternative lifestyle information and provide networking opportunities for team members. Before forming the team, HR should provide training programs to break the ice to bring team members together. Another recommended approach to create a heathy company culture is to develop ways to engage employees with the company activities to make them feel that they are part of the organisation. The company should show that they support employees and care about them. All employees want to be respected. They was to be recognised so HR should develop activities that allow employees to show their talents. As you can see from the above figure, great workplaces provide more than double the return. To sum up, great workplaces play a vital part in building a successful organisation.
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Appendix 1
Self & peer assessment (SPA) performance rating
Contribution: 100%
Performance Review
In my opinion, this report achieved all the aims of the specifications. It fulfilled the requirements properly. It’s explained in details and the format is organised and easy to understand.
Managed expectations
Everyone did a fair share of work
Most of the time
Everyone was cooperative and agreed upon task
Most of the time
Everyone contributed to ideas/planning
Most of the time
Everyone was available for communication
Most of the time
Everyone was positive and helpful
Most of the time
Everyone contributed to overall project success
Most of the time