The Demographic Characteristic
Autor: Sharon • September 9, 2017 • 1,203 Words (5 Pages) • 836 Views
Compare these two SA1, it pretty much fellow my assumption, complete different housing characteristic in these two area. 3112005 is mainly separate house almost 90% are separate house, higher than QLD average. 3112704 has a lot of unit/apartment, only 30% are separate houses, not even half of QLD average. 81.5% of property are 3 bedrooms and more in 3112005, as this area is for family with children they need bigger houses and more bedrooms just like my assumption. While in 3112704, mostly 1 or 2 bedroom, which make this area perfect for young singles or family without a child. Only 35.8% are 3 bedrooms or more, again half of QLD average. Only 26.4% property is rented in 3112005 compared to 69.7% rented in 3112704. That fellow my assumption again, family with children is more likely to purchase a house compare to single, young people don’t have enough money to purchase a property and they are more likely to rent. 69.7% is more than double of QLD average 33.2%. Demographic characteristic will affect housing characteristic. Weekly rent is tends to be more expensive in the richer area as in this case. The dwelling structure affects rent as well, the more bedroom it has the higher rent, separate house going to cost more for rent compare unit and apartment as well. There will be no doubt the weekly rent in 3112005 will be much higher compare to 3112704. 61.1% of household in 3112005 have 2 or more vehicles since they are richer and family with children need cars. Compare to that, only 28.6% of household in 3112704 have 2 or more cars and over 20% of household in 3112704 don’t have a vehicle. Which can be explained by demographic characteristic, single young people don’t have that much money and car is not a must have for them.
SA1 3112005 and SA1 3112704 are very close in location, but their demographic characteristic and housing characteristic are complete different. They both locate in Brisbane and about 6KM from Brisbane CBD, just separated by Alderley Park. However, family with children prefer 3112005, single young individual prefer 3112704 which may cause by the dwelling structure. There are more big house in 3112005, more unit or apartment in 3112704, big house will attract family with children and small apartment is better for singles. It works in the reverse way as well, if an area are most families with children, it is less likely a new apartment building will be built in that area. Therefore demographic characteristic and housing characteristic of an area affects each other. Income situation affects the housing characteristic as well. E.g. 3112005 is richer than 3112704 even they are so close, the rent rate in 3112704 is much higher as people in 3112704 can’t afford to purchase a property.