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The Benefits and Challenges of This New Relationship for Marketing Managers

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From the arguments discussed in the upper section of this essay co-creation cannot be left without challenges. One of the major problem of co-creation is control. Ernst et al. (2010) discussed that innovation is very important in every business, but the transfer of control during innovation could intensify the effort made by the firm in strategic planning. Firat and Dholakia (2006, p.123) discussed that control was quite easy to manage when Brand managers used to communicate through mass media about the planning, meaning and delivery of their brand because it was not a direct communication. Presently, Individuals dedicate more of their time on social media than mass media which makes control difficult. Managers would have to think about possible strategies that would bring the consumers close and attract their consideration to the brand’s interest. (Singh and Sonnenburg, 2012, p.190). it is important to ignore some aspect of control because to achieve unity in co-creation the manager and customers are required to be on the same level.

Employee evaluation systems are not liable to apply (penalising activities specifically), because consumers are not inside the immediate control of firms. Outstanding difficulties exist concerning the administration of customers performing wrongly because customers are bound to lack essential skills, and the danger of striking back when a customer's thought is not chosen Etgar (2008). (Franke et al., 2009, p.115) Be that as it may, buyers will probably want praises than faults in co-creation forms. Mullins and Sutherland (1998, p.224) agreed that Impacts of co-creation on consumers are applied just to positive results with high quality of fulfilment and not to poor results. Bendapudi and Leone (2003, p.15) state that this thought is worsened with the fact that preferable outcomes of the firm would be different from consumers preferable outcome. for example, the firm seeks to achieve effectiveness and cost-lessening whilst customers are after customization and getting something nearly close to the product. Such issues could create conflict between managers and customers. managers can achieve unity by integrating fun and lively rudiments for participants whilst working and participants would be more determined to receive critical result of their hard work

This essay concludes that co-creation is very important in a firm and customers play important roles in co-creation in other to add value to the business, because in the traditional system of marketing customers would only buy the goods and services produced, but in co-creation they get involved with the firm during process of producing, branding and delivery. Notwithstanding, some organizations do not see need to get consumers included because think they know best what individuals truly need whilst some consumers don’t want to be included because criticism or information would not be noticed. consumers must be prepared get more involved if they want more value and more emotionally satisfying product or service experiences. And firms must be more open to feedback and more responsive to how people really feel about the stuff they make and sell because co-creation allows firms and consumers being more involved in other to achieve joint benefit and the reason for trusting and maintaining good relationship goes beyond making immediate transactions and profit.


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