Mba 655 Homework
Autor: Sara17 • October 10, 2018 • 1,104 Words (5 Pages) • 688 Views
Early confirmation of the Dinner and Dance Event would definitely bring staff’s moral a level up as employees will feel the excitement and recognized.
Ample time to work on project as frequent discussion and meeting would able to fine tune many many tiny gritty issues.
Good Project Manager is required to keep project expenditure within the budget. Hence, creative and innovative is very important in playing Project Manager role to accept what was given to organize the event.
Acceptance of what is given and to work within the parameter would be the key for a successful event to be held.
Work Breakdown Structure
Before Event Actual Day
Week 1 to 2 August Appointment of Dinner and Dance committee members and Chairman
Welcome all members on board
Brainstorming on Dinner and Dance detailed programmes outline, key performance indicator on project management and achievable objectives to be meet
Generating and short listing of staff name list for the Long Service Award Presentation
Confirmation of Dinner and Dance budget
Finalise event proposal and confirmation of the plan execution
Senior Vice President’s approval on the overall event execution
Week 3 to 4 August Confirmation of employees attendance headcount
Appointment volunteers assisting the Dinner and Dance Event
Designing Invitation Cards with the Dinner and Dance Theme
Sourcing of Event Planner, Venue and Food for Dinner and Dance Event
To get at least three quotation from different vendors and to do a price comparison
Negotiation of the chargeable fees and the payment terms and conditions clause stated in the agreement
Week 1 to 2 September Confirmation and finalization - Event Planner, Venue and Food Menu
Preparation of President’s speech
Week 3 to 4 September Sourcing of Door Gifts and Awards Presentation
Confirmation of Door Gifts, Awards and staff list
Ensure prompt delivery by respective vendors of items
Sending out Invitation Cards
Final round for staff to RSVP their attendance with the
committee members
Week 1 to 2 October Finalization of Event Activities Outline
Week 3 to 4 October Dry Run Dinner and Dance Event
During Event Actual Day
7.00pm to 8.00pm Event Begins; Event Planner will provide Emece and
photographer throughout the night
Reception; Cocktails and light snacks will be served
Get-To-Gather Session; instant photo taking is available. All
are to be seated by 8.00pm
8.00pm to 8.30pm President Arrival and speech presentation
8.30pm to 9.45pm Dinner will be served at 8.30pm. Dishes with 20 minutes
9.00pm to 9.35pm Awards Presentation and Thank you message
9.35pm to 11.00pm Games and Draws
Cost Estimation
Unit Rate S$
Amount S$
Dinner and Dance Venue + Food @ SWITCH by Timbre for Two Hundred and Fifty pax
Beer / Wine / Soft Drinks free flow for Two Hundred and Fifty pax
Event Planner - Top Rank Pte Ltd
come with One Emmc, Two runners, One Photographer.
Two meters by one meter Dinner and Dance Banner, Stage backdrop plus set up
Long Service Awards/Door Gifts/Lucky Draw
Grand Total
Dinner and Dance Budgeted
PV Line Graph (cumulative base line budget)
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