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Imc Essay

Autor:   •  February 9, 2018  •  3,738 Words (15 Pages)  •  672 Views

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1990). Also Nabi, Roskos-Ewoldsen, and Carpentier (2008) stated that fear appeal should contain threat and efficacy information sufficient to both evoke fear and inform about adaptive behavioral responses.

Studies prove that fear appeal may prevail in making purchase decisions by consumers and have also significant impact on consumer buying behaviours. Research conducted by Motwani, Agarwal and Shrimali shows that fear very can have influence on people and their buying choices. 30% of asked people who filled the questionnaire said that they would purchase product seeing fear appeal in the advertisement, 38% agreed that fear appeal makes advertising more effective. The same group of people were also showed 4 printed ads that contained fear appeal , nearly the same amount of respondents (37.5% and 33.5%) have found these ads as fearing and interesting. Nearly 78% of people that took part in this research said that they would buy a product based on advertisement and that fear appeal used in ads changed their buying decisions . Their analyses shows that fear appeal in advertisement, motivated the participants to purchase the products as well as many times fear appeal changed their buying decisions ( Motwani, Agarwal ,Shrimali, 2014).

One of the earliest advertisement with fear appeal contex were created in early 20th and are perfect prove that fear appeal can have impact on consumer buying decisions and their behaviour . The Listerine -mouthwash cosmetic is an example of an ad with low fear appeal in the message. Their advertising campaign was created in 1930’s and is one of the most successful ads based on fear appeal. Listerine message in the ad was about threat of bad breath that could cause individual could be eliminated from some particular social groups because of unpleasant breath smell , especially this message meant to appeal to the young women that are married or engaged. Their created the fear that was communicating to audience of not using of the mouthwash will cause that the love of their life would leave them due to negligence or improper care of oral hygiene. These Listerine ads created fear of an impending threat then offered treatment that would protect and help to eliminate that threat .Fear appeal in the Listerine advertising had massive impact on consumer buying decisions and perception of the effectiveness of these type of products . The results of this advertising campaign after seven years from the launch end with Listerine’s revenues rose from $115,000 to $8 million ( The Marketing agenda, 2014). This evidence shows effectiveness of fear appeal in advertisement, although it happened in the last century . Today’s advertising industry and consumer behaviours are differ, people are less sensitive for these types of appeals and Listerine advertisement would be seen as an exaggerating and an absurd that mouthwash could impact on status of social and marriage relations.

Fear appeal in Health Campaigns

Health campaign is a form of social marketing, which aims is to inform about

a specific health problem to change attitudes or behavior of the recipient in society.

It’s type o an advertising that has on aim inform public about health issues and create awareness of the problem and mobilize people to actions and understanding of the disease that could casue by human negligence and lack of knowledge (WHO campaigns).

Health campaigns are designed to impact people’s actions and change their behaviours.There is a number of ways to create effective and persuasive message that would be taken into consideration by people and impact their further decisions. One of the most effective strategy in these campaigns is use of fear appeal in ads to promote better health. Schneider, Coutts, and Gruman stated that "Fear appeals are based on the idea that people will be more likely to pay attention to a message, and to subsequently act to chance their health behavior, if their related fears are activated’’.

Usually fear appeal in advertising has on purpose influence consumer to buy certain products, in health campaigns the aim is opposite, fear appeal is used to stop buying some products and make people aware of negative effects of purchasing these products. The fear appeal in health campaigns are created to increase viewers anxiety about ‘’not using’’ this and convince people to actions. Fear can be great motivator and impact buyer behaviour that’s why in many health advertising the fear appeal is strong to create deeper change in people’s perception. For example smoking campaigns has on purpose to minimize level of smokers and reduce the amount of cigarettes smoke by society.

Smoking is one of the most serious health problems across the world, even though promoting cigarettes in media is banned in most of the countries that still doesn’t change on cigarettes sales volume and doesn’t decrease level of smokers.

Ani-smoking campaigns are designed to show closer image of smoking effects not only on the smokers but as well on loved one and those who are surrounded by smokers. Fear appeal in smoking ads can appeal certain groups less or more and also can recall stronger of fewer impact on these people. The experiment conducted across Dublin students shows the impact of fear appeal in smoking ads and how different people on differ education level received these messages. Male and Female students at secondary and postgraduate level of education were questioned on types of fears they feel while they are aware of certain statements related to smoking. The results of this study were as follow:

The highest impact on the participants had factual statement that contained drastic facts which stated that nearly 90% of those who died from lung cancer are smokers. This had appealed to students the most because these sort of statement in ads were given real numbers and facts how smoking kills people and what is the casue of lung cancer.

High fear appeal feeling had also statement about how many smokers die in year in Ireland (5000 people).

There was a higher level of fear experience received by secondary students than in postgraduates.

Higher level of fear was stimulated among non-smokers than the smokers students

Results of this study proves that differ fear appeal messages in smoking advertising have differ impacts on people. It shows that real factual statements and statistics appeals more to people, like the same there is significant higher


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