Freedom and Independence - Toefl Essays
Autor: Mikki • April 2, 2018 • 2,605 Words (11 Pages) • 711 Views
People who work in an environment with new office technology can in effect be more productive and efficient
The author of the reading passages talks about how advances in technology could not always help workers to be more efficient in their jobs, in fact, some advances in technology have made possible for workers to stay longer in their desks decreasing their productivity.
When workers stay longer in their desks this can lead to bad health consequences, like back pain and neck pain, moreover staying for a long time period in front of the computer also caused eyestrain.
In the same way, some surveys have stated that some workers prefer to remain in their desk even if they have lunch in order to keep answering emails and other tasks related to their jobs
In some way, the reader differs a bit with the reading passage because it is assumed that the new office technologies bring the workers the increase of productivity which is not always true.
But on the other hand, the author talks about how workers productivity can increase if the company invest money by buying new equipment and she also gave a good example of how a new photocopier machine can help to save time to the worker and consequently increase their productivity.
The author also gave another good example of how technology can impact on workers productivity stating that emails are a good resource and a cheap way to keep contact with colleagues overseas and also help projects smoothness
People who work in an environment with new office technology can in effect be more productive and efficient 250 words.
The Author suggest that the use of animal as assistants for patients with emotional and physical problem can improve their health status. In the same way the speaker described a study made by an University Hospital which confirmed the use of pets as a resource for helping improve patients with heart conditions.
First the author describe the use of animals as a benefit for physical and emotional problems in some patients, then documented that caring pets also helps patients with high blood pressure and finally talked about pet as a providers of love and happiness to elderly.
To support the reading passages, then speaker described a good example where some patients with heart conditions showed improvement in their health condition when taking care of animals and that´s because they have to take care of the pets, walk, play and feed them and in some way that was constribution to help patients to lose weigh.
Finally the speaker considered dogs as the best friend of humans since they help people in many ways, especially in mental and physical conditions. 178 words
The Author suggest that the use of animal as assistants for patients with an emotional and physical problem can improve their health status. In the same way, the speaker described a study made by a University Hospital which confirmed the use of pets as a resource for helping improve patients with heart conditions.
First, the author describes the use of animals as a benefit for physical and emotional problems in some patients, then documented that caring pets also helps patients with high blood pressure and finally talked about pets as a provider of love and happiness to elderly.
To support the reading passages, then speaker described a good example where some patients with heart conditions showed improvement in their health condition when taking care of animals and that´s because they have to take care of the pets, walk, play and feed them and in some way that was contribution to help patients to lose weight.
Finally, the speaker considered dogs as the best friend of humans since they help people in many ways, especially in mental and physical conditions.
The author talks about ocean pollution which is mainly caused by land activities, like oil spills, fertilizers, garbage and toxic chemical in the same way the speaker supports the author´s statement by saying that ocean animals and birds are in threaten because of the ocean pollution and point out the presence of plastic.
First the author talks about the land activities which represent a high percentage of pollutions in oceans, for instance the oil spills and the waste that come from cities. Second the author talks about the fertilizers as a peculiar problem, causing algae to grow in oceans and to take away the oxygen from water and in consecuense from the ocean life
Third the author talks about garbage which can seriously harm ocean life because of the presence of the plastic which is often confused by food.
In fact the speaker also talks about the plastic in the oceans as an animal harm because is often confused by food and then consumed for animals. The plastic is trowen by people and then it remains flowting in water and sometimes cutted in little pieces which are then consumed by this mentioned animals and consequently those died because of the obstruction of their feeding passage or by getting stuck and strangle with this plastic pieces.
Finally the quantity of dead animals have been increased lately, especially turtles and birds are the most affected animal with this big problem of ocean pollutions.
The author talks about ocean pollution which is mainly caused by land activities, like oil spills, fertilizers, garbage and toxic chemical in the same way the speaker supports the author´s statement by saying that ocean animals and birds are in threaten because of the ocean pollution and points out the presence of plastic.
First, the author talks about the land activities which represent a high percentage of pollutions in oceans, for instance the oil spills and the waste that come from cities. Second, the author talks about the fertilizers as a peculiar problem, causing algae to grow in oceans and to take away the oxygen from water and in consequence from the ocean life.
Third, the author talks about garbage which can seriously harm ocean life because of the presence of the plastic which is often confused by food.
In fact the speaker also talks about the plastic in the oceans as an animal harm because is often confused by food and then consumed for animals. The plastic is trowen by people and then it remains floating in the water and sometimes cut in little pieces which are then consumed by this mentioned animals and consequently those died because of the obstruction of their feeding passages or by getting stuck and strangle with this plastic pieces.