Coltan Mines in Congo - Business Ethics
Autor: Jannisthomas • April 10, 2018 • 2,930 Words (12 Pages) • 892 Views
The deontology thoughts of school focus on the action by an individual or a group which might be guided by duties or moral on the right action when facing with a dilemma or options (Alexander, Moore 2012). The action takes whether by an individual or a group on what is ought to be especially in preventing losses of lives and property. This can be shown in the recent event that Samsung recalls 2.5 million mobile devices due to defective part that might cause the loss of lives despite the recalls might cost Samsung an estimated USD 1 billion (Lee, Lee 2016). The illustrate deontology practice by Samsung to recall their device which might cause bodily harm despite the huge cost associated with the recall. The international communities and corporation have a duty to improve the standard of living of Congolese when they have profited heftily from the mineral Coltan. The profit from the mineral should be prioritise to the citizen of Congo in the form of education and welfare instead aligning the pocket of warring factions that would cause more misery. This also align one of the tenets of United Nations Global Compact of improving human rights and preventing abuse in conflict areas (United Nations Global Compact, 2016). The globalisation of today’s economy meant that every citizen has a duty to resolve conflict by actively pursuing awareness to protest unfairness in every part of the world. Although phronesis compel international corporation to stop buying Coltan in Congo, the low cost Coltan is too tempting for companies to stand on moral high ground to stop buying Coltan from Congo. The pressure from competitor and shareholder to maximise profit is putting huge amount of pressure on management in light of globalisation competition.
The libertarianism perspectives preach that all individual has the right to liberty, to acquire, to exchange without forcible interference from any parties while respecting others are equal (Zwolinski n.d.). Every individual has the basic right to choose the lifestyle of their choosing while respecting others has the equal right as well. These right cannot be forcibly taken or abused in any form by any parties. The installation of backward door by Macy’s in the fitting room in their store is in direct violations people right to privacy although Macy’s claim it is used to prevent theft (Krupnick 2011). Although there is a sign warning customer that there is a theft prevention method is being enforced, the actual method was not mention and the violation of privacy by Macy’s is unacceptable. There are many theft prevention methods that be employ but such crude way that could be easily abused should be undertake by such esteemed corporation. The endless fighting by the warring faction in Congo has robbed the innocent citizen from exercising their basic right to liberty, employment and education. Currently, there more than one million people are displaced from their home and a quarter of a million are able to attend school as basic infrastructure are lacking (War Child 2014). These number sum to be one of greatest humanity catastrophe in modern times yet there are others who enjoy the miracle of Coltan in their hand. The international companies may have the liberty to choose how to acquire wealth, the practical wisdom prevents them to do at expense of the local. The role as a socially responsible corporate citizen in the 21st century prevents them from pursuing action that are ethically compromised without damaging its global brand and uphold the principles of United Nations Global Compact.
The virtue ethics describe someone who is kind across many situations over a lifetime because it is their ideal natural traits disregarding profit and personal gains (Anthanassoulis n.d.). The action that do not expect any return while exhibiting exemplary behaviour in any situation would be ideal for all individual. The relentless pursuit to protect Earth ad its inhabitant by Greenpeace is prime example of virtue ethics. Their pursuit of justice without expecting any return despite the harsh conditions and danger is a model behaviour of a global citizen. Their strongly believe in giving the earth a voice by practicing changes and action (Greenpeace International n.d.). The injustice suffered by the people of Congo due to Coltan should not be allowed under any circumstances. The international communities should promote a much more active role in ending the conflict in Congo by not taking a bird eye view to the problem. People should not practice moral myopia and muteness to the suffering of Congo by practicing a hands-off attitude. People should not support products that is using Coltan from Congo that directly worsen the conflict while preaching about stopping the suffering of Congo and insisting the use of conflict free mineral. This well align with the Triple Bottom Line of people, planet and profit (Elkington 1998). The corporate citizen in the world should practice the Triple Bottom Line in pursuit of sustainable business model that encompass all critical areas in doing business in a lawless and questionable moral state. This also follow the phronesis perspectives of common sense that as a responsible global citizen we should not directly or indirectly support conflict that has only brought suffering to its natural inhabitants. The use of conflict mineral in Congo should be continue until the suffering of Congolese has been alleviated and the situation in the region has improve dramatically.
The discovery of Coltan should have been a blessing for the people and its country but it has worsened a war-torn country that does not know peace and prosperity in recent history. The continued practice of ethically compromised decisions must be prevented to avert similar situation in Congo from happening anywhere else in the world. The countless death of innocent civilian in Congo due to this conflict should serve as an instances to prevent such occurrence and the pursuit of profit should never ever be enjoyed by certain group of people only. One of the global initiatives to reduce the dependence of Coltan is recycling old mobile device to reuse the Coltan found in them without acquiring new Coltan from Congo (Lovgen 2006). This would reduce the deforestation rate from mining Coltan in Congo and conserve the natural habitat of this magnificent gorilla thus reducing the number of dead gorilla annually. The death of 5.4 million as a direct result from this conflict should prevent all international corporation to stop funding this conflict by ending the purchase of Coltan from Congo until the situation has improve. The situation in Congo could have been resolve earlier if international communities and corporation has practice see, talk act and review (STAR) all ethically questionable decision. This would prevent any future blood loss or environmental disaster in the future since this