Power Rangers Critique - Tv Show
Autor: Joshua • February 8, 2018 • 1,061 Words (5 Pages) • 832 Views
given a sort of specialty weapon specific to them. The red ranger usually carrying a sword and the pink ranger with a long range weapon of some sort, in this case a bow. The
others with varying weapons, but it’s the pink and red rangers weapons one should focus on. Looking at it, the sword and bow are two very different weapons. A sword is used to charge the front lines and is usually associated with power and leadership. While a bow and the person using it is typically associated as weaker and a support type due to the nature of the weapon.
All in all, the views that the show gave to us was the basic sexual binary between men and women that we have been familiar with in the past couple of decades. The trend that men are stronger, better leaders, and are in power while women are supportive, weaker, and generally not in the forefront. There were even parts in the everyday life situations where there was a budding romance between the red and pink ranger, but it was the red ranger taking the lead in all romantic situations while the pink ranger just sort of stood by and did nothing while playing along. It really portrays me as the go getters of the romantic situation, and that idea is still in society today to some extent. Even then, the two never share any sort of romantic moments, only occasional flirting and extended looks of tenderness. It just goes to show that even at the age of puberty where all these feelings are out of control, they are still denied to exist in popular media. Added on with the fact that the female ranger in the hinted romantic relationship does barely anything to express her romantic interest. Maybe as if to portray women as creatures that shouldn’t display themselves in a sexual/romantic manner? As an interesting note, this trend seems to go on in other season of the show also. With the red male lead having a romantic interest with the pink female supportive character. If that isn’t a blatant hegemonic message, I cannot see what is.
The past few years have done a lot to change this old mannered idea of sexuality. While there is no doubt that there are still very big binaries between men and women in media, they have started to portray things a little differently. As for the Power Rangers series, the red leader is still the alpha male,
but now we see a lot more of a alpha female lead also. With the romantic notions being played between both male and female a little more equally.