Medstudents Amnesia
Autor: • February 28, 2018 • Study Guide • 15,117 Words (61 Pages) • 716 Views
Medstudents Amnesia
Med-Student’s Amnesia A transient selective loss of memory during an exam that prevents one from remembering the eponymically-named diseases discovered by old, dead doctors.
Addison’s Disease
1. Primary adrenocortical deficiency
Addisonian Anemia
1. Pernicious anemia (antibodies to intrinsic factor or parietal cells → ↓IF → ↓Vit B12 → megaloblastic anemia)
Albright’s Syndrome
1. Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, precocious puberty, café au lait spots, short stature, young girls
Alport’s Syndrome
1. Hereditary nephritis with nerve deafness
1. Progressive dementia
Argyll-Robertson Pupil
1. Loss of light reflex constriction (contralateral or bilateral)
2. “Prostitute’s Eye” – accommodates but does not react
3. Pathognomonic for 3°Syphilis
4. Lesion pretectal region of superior colliculus
Arnold-Chiari Malformation
1. Cerebellar tonsil herniation through foramen magnum = see thoracolumbar meningomyelocele
1. Columnar metaplasia of lower esophagus (↑ risk of adenocarcinoma)- constant gastroesophageal reflux
Bartter’s Syndrome
1. Hyperreninemia
Becker’s Muscular Dystrophy
1. Similar to Duchenne, but less severe (mutation, not a deficiency, in dystrophin protein)
Bell’s Palsy
1. CNVII palsy (entire face; recall that UMN lesion only affects lower face)
Berger’s Disease
1. IgA nephropathy causing hematuria in kids, usually following infection
Bernard-Soulier Disease
1. Defect in platelet adhesion (abnormally large platelets & lack of platelet-surface glycoprotein)
Berry Aneurysm
1. Circle of Willis (subarachnoid bleed) Anterior Communicating artery
2. Often associated with ADPKD
Bowen’s Disease
1. Carcinoma in situ on shaft of penis (↑ risk of visceral ca) [compare w/ Queyrat]
Brill-Zinsser Disease
1. Recurrences of rickettsia prowazaki up to 50 yrs later
Briquet’s Syndrome
1. Somatization disorder
2. Psychological: multiple physical complaints without physical pathology
Broca’s Aphasia
1. Motor Aphasia (area 44 & 45) intact comprehension
1. Hemisection of cord (contralateral loss of pain & temp / ipsilateral loss of fine touch, UMN / ipsi loss of consc. Proprio)
Bruton’s Disease
1. X-linked agammaglobinemia (↓ B cells)
1. Post-hepatic venous thrombosis = ab pain; hepatomegaly; ascites; portal HTN; liver failure
Buerger’s Disease
1. Acute inflammation of medium and small arteries of extremities → painful ischemia → gangrene
2. Seen almost exclusively in young and middle-aged men who smoke.
Burkitt’s Lymphoma
1. Small noncleaved cell lymphoma EBV
2. 8:14 translocation
3. Seen commonly in jaws, abdomen, retroperitoneal soft tissues
4. Starry sky appearance
Caisson Disease
1. Nitric gas emboli
Chagas’ Disease
1. Trypansoma infection - cardiomegaly with apical atrophy, achlasia
Chediak-Higashi Disease
1. (AR) Phagocyte Deficiency = defect in microtubule polymerization
2. Neutropenia, albinism, cranial & peripheral neuropathy & repeated infections w/ strep & staph
Conn’s Syndrome
1. Primary Aldosteronism: HTN; retain Na+ & H2O; hypokalemia (causing alkalosis); ↓ renin
Cori’s Disease
1. Type III Glycogenosis – Glycogen storage disease (debranching enz: amylo 1,6 glucosidase def. ↑ Glycogen)
1. Prion infection → cerebellar & cerebral degeneration
Crigler-Najjar Syndrome
1. Congenital hyperbilirubinemia (unconjugated)
2. Glucuronyl transferase deficiency. Can progress to Kernicterus
3. Less severe form will respond to Phenobarbital therapy
1. IBD; ileocecum, transmural, skip lesions, cobblestones, lymphocytic infiltrate, granulomas
2. (contrast to UC: limited to colon, mucosa & submucosa, crypt abscesses, pseudopolyps, ↑ colon cancer risk)
3. Clinically: ab pain & diarrhea; fever; malabsorption; fistulae b/t intestinal loops & abd structures
Curling’s Ulcer