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Down's Syndrome

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Trabajo "Sindrome de Down" (Ingles)



- characteristics of the disease

- principal mental disorders that impede his contracting

- labor profile of Down's Syndrome

- mutual benefits between the persons with Down's syndrome

- The companies ready to invest

- Association of Down Caminar's Syndrome (Ciudad Real)

Down's syndrome is the most common and easy to recognize of all the conditions associated with the intellectual disability. This condition (before known as mental delay) is the result of an abnormality of the chromosomes: for some inexplicable reason a diversion in the development of the cells results in the production of 47 chromosomes instead of the 46 that are considered to be normal. The additional chromosome changes totally the development been ordained as the body and brain. In most of the cases, the diagnosis of Down's syndrome is done in agreement to the results of a test of chromosomes that is supplied soon after the birth of the child. . As in the normal population, there is great variety as for the level of the mental skills, behavior, and the development of the individuals with Down's syndrome. Though the degree of intellectual disability can change between slightly and severely, most of the individuals with Down's syndrome falls down under the category of slightly to moderated. As result, they will need more help to learn some skills. But they will have his own talents also and it is important to recognize them and to reinforce them. The families and the service providers not. Principal mental disorders associated with Down's syndrome .

Depression. About 20 % of the persons with Down's syndrome suffers it in some moment. A reaction to losses is in the habit of being the trigger principal one. It is not in the habit of expressing across the word but for loss of skills and of memory, slowing down of the activity, few motivation, inattention, changes in the appetite or in the pace of dream, alteration of the cognitive capacities, trend to the disconnection and to the isolation, soliloquies and delirious ideas (psychotic features), labilidad affective, passiveness and / or weeping. They can appear also as a somatic semiología. Of there that the manifestations will have to be distinguished from the produced ones by neurological deterioration (dementia), organic pathologies (hipotiroidismo or diabetes), or alterations of psychotic type.

Obsession and two-pole disorder. They can happen unnoticed if the alone one is payed attention of the episodes, that of the depressive phase, without perceiving the maniacal phase. With everything, it is possible that the trisomy of the couple 21 represents a protection factor opposite to the two-pole disorder. In Down's syndrome the maniacal phase and the depressive one happen with rapidity. In the depressive phase it is difficult that the person verbalizes his feelings of sadness, invalidity or fault, and that, on the other hand, proves to be retiring, irritable and without interest for activities which before he was enjoying. In the maniacal phase there appears hyperactivity, agitation, fury's assaults and uneasiness.

Schizophrenia. It is slightly common in Down's syndrome. When there appear manifestations of psychotic type there is necessary to reject organic problems, especially the dementia of Alzheimer's disease (EA), in which the cognitive deteriorations are more intense and of more late appearance. There are frequent the soliloquies, imaginary friends and fantasies, conditions that can constitute even a support to the normal functioning and control of situations. When they stay out of control and occupy excessive papers in the daily life or get confused with the reality, a psychotic disorganization must be suspected.

Autism. About 10 % of the children with Down's syndrome suffers autism. In his first manifestations it can get confused with an evolutionary delay, lack of motivation and even with deafness. The autism borders much more than the syndrome. If a breast-fed baby with Down's syndrome does not fix the look duly, it does not interact, does not share interests, does not develop the language, does not repeat words, does not organize a symbolic game, is not left to touch or he does not like the physical contact, it is difficult to him to change his routines and realizes estereotipias or repetitive movements, one must reject the coexistence of a disorder of the autistic spectrum.

The formation should be systematized according to the following process:

1. Identification of the working place: to speak with the company or businessmen's association and to reach an agreement that, within a certain period, there makes possible the initiation of a serious and stable relation of work.

2. Analysis of the working place: to describe, groups and to place in a sequence each of the tasks that it is necessary to realize; to study the methods and the times in which it is necessary to realize every task; and to define the minimal necessary knowledge to execute every task.

3. Evaluation of the attitudes, limitations and needs of every subject: the tests, questionnaires, scales of evaluation, social reports, etc. They will provide a solid evaluation to us on the capacities of the subject.

4. Design of a program of formation individualized: it arises on having compared the requirements of the tasks that it will have to realize with the capacities and limitations of the worker.

5. Opportunity to work: it is the key of the success. On having provided a position to these persons for which they have been prepared, they are capable of adapting better and prove to be increasingly capable of realizing more complex tasks.


the young persons Come to these centers with Down's syndrome that there have important physical or cognitive limitations. There there is given them the opportunity to improve his capacities, his personal autonomy and socialization, beside learning a trade from the practice. These places neither


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