Importance of Relgion
Autor: Sharon • November 13, 2018 • 1,614 Words (7 Pages) • 718 Views
in the military or fulfill an assignment. Respect, Soldiers pledge to treat other people with respect. Showing respect is not limited to fellow soldiers. When on foreign soil, soldiers respect the citizens, their customs and their religious views. Soldiers show respect for their officers by obeying orders and showing loyalty to their commanders. Soldiers demonstrate respect for the Army by wearing their uniforms properly, maintaining a high standard of personal grooming and conducting themselves in a socially acceptable manner. Personal Courage, Although the ability to face a combat situation is part of personal courage, it is not all of it. Personal courage involves doing the right thing in all situations. It may mean defending someone weaker or refusing to be a party to a dishonorable act. At times, soldiers must take stands that do not win them a popularity contest among their peers. Regardless, soldiers are responsible for developing and maintaining their moral and physical courage. Selfless Service, The mission comes first. This means that the needs of the country, the unit and subordinates outweigh the personal needs of the individual soldier. Soldiers fulfill their missions without expecting rewards or personal recognition. Each member of the team should contribute maximum effort to ensure the success of the mission. Integrity, Integrity is doing what is morally and ethically right, not just what is legal. Soldiers behave with integrity when they do not deceive others. They do not take the easy way out, even if their actions may cause them discomfort. They do not tolerate acts of racism, sexual discrimination or abuse. Honor, It is not by chance that the highest award given to U.S. military personnel is named the Medal of Honor. Honor has all of the other six core values to one extent or another. It includes showing loyalty, integrity, personal courage and respect. It is serving selflessly, fulfilling duties and treating others respectfully. It is refusing to settle for dishonorable shortcuts. As above duty is a key value and should be upheld to the highest standard from a soldier and failing to proform your duties is seen as failing a basic traits of what a soldier should be.These can also be related back to the cilivan world as failing to follow orders could get you fired from the job that you are at for not doing the job you were hired to do. When friends or family ask you for favors or have an obligation to them failing to proform that duty could hurt your relationship with them. In wartime following orders can be dire. How can following orders in a time of war affect your team members? Imagine if you are on deployment to Iraq and you or a fellow soldier were told by your supervisor to fill up the gas cans and bring them down to the motor pool once they were filled and fill the vehicles up. What if you or the soldier decided to perform the order in your own time and you/ they forget. Now imagine your team is given an order to move out due to hostile parties moving in. Your team goes to the vehicles start them up and realize they are all low on gas. I hope that expresses the importance of following orders while being a part of the armed services in a time of war. The members of the armed forces are well known, and well respected for their discipline. Part of that discipline comes from the ability to follow the orders of your subordinates, even if they don’t feel like it or don’t agree with them. How disciplined can a soldier be if they don’t follow orders. The soldier in question can’t be very disciplined if they fail to follow instructions right? It goes against everything a soldier stands for. This makes them a danger to their team members, especially in a time of war.