Esperanto Aza
Autor: Rachel • November 24, 2018 • 771 Words (4 Pages) • 748 Views
for our members. An additional aspect of our programs that can be improved on is organization of our events. Some of our programs ended earlier than expected. It’s always great to have a good time, but when you expect to be at a program that would last longer, having it end early simply sucks.
Implementing some checks and balances for programs might alleviate some of these issues. Having an extra set of eyes reading through an outline may pick up on things that those that are planning may have missed. The goal is not to micromanage. Everyone, myself included, can always use an extra set of eyes.
Ensuring a great year requires a cohesive board. While accomplishing goals for the chapter is always to be expected, making sure the executive board achieves their goals is also critical to the well being of Esperanto
As I enter the second term of my 4th year of BBYO, it only feels like a natural progression for me to lead Esperanto AZA into the future. I love our chapter and the brothers I have met along the way. I am eager to share my passion of BBYO and Esperanto AZA with all of you. As your Godol I will do anything to help our chapter grow and prosper as we make great strides into the future.
A man once said about brotherhood,
“a person who is there when you need him;
someone who picks you up when you fall;
a person who sticks up for your when no one else will;
a brother is always a friend.”
Together we can continue to makeEsperanto AZA the strongest brotherhood in the order.