Autor: Joshua • February 12, 2018 • 1,084 Words (5 Pages) • 802 Views
Sure, but it’s mine and even though it doesn’t have a proof, it makes most sense to me and I’m going to stick to it until something better comes along. I think everything in the end comes down to each individual. Every theory, every philosophy and every perspective – it all depends on the individual.
Religion, philosophy, rules, restrictions, good, evil – everything. Everything depends on how you as an individual look at these ideas and add more meaning to your life using these concepts.
You mean to say we need to change the philosophies to satisfy our minds?
I wouldn’t call it change, I would say tweak or even improve upon these ideas to satisfy your mind. Every idea has its own advantages and disadvantages. What makes sense to you, you keep – the rest you discard.
So you’re saying you’re going to modify and alter all the philosophies and ideas and concepts for your own needs?
I’m not altering them. I see myself as an author and these ideas and concepts as the words. What I do with them is my own wish. The story I write makes most sense to me. Yet I don’t change or alter them for the others – they can write their own stories or read the ones that’ve already been written.
Hmmm… It sounds like you just believe in what you like to or want to believe.
It does sound that way. And it stands true for almost everybody – when life doesn’t give you concrete assurance about the purpose of life and neither does it give you a definite set of rules, you tend to create your own purpose and rules, and stick to them.
What do you think is your purpose of life?
I think witnessing life and being able to live, is in itself a purpose. Look at the universe – an infinite pool of darkness and light – with a sum total which adds to zero. And life is similar to it – in the end we all add up to zero. The memories we create, the instants we live and enjoy, the lives we touch and the lives that touch us – all these moments will be lost in time. All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you, what contributions you can bring about and how well to live your life based on the rules you’ve created to extract the most from our time here.
Now you’re getting too philosophical and not being straightforward!
Because there is no straightforward answer to the question about the purpose of life. And as I mentioned earlier, it all depends on the individual.
You know, I don’t even understand why I keep talking to you! Because all our conversations leave me confused, angry and unsatisfied! I wonder why I even talk to you in the first place?!
Hahaa!! I think we both are a perfect example of Yin Yang! Two opposite or contrary forces which are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent!! And in the end the whole is greater than the sum of its parts!