Ionic and Covalent Bonds
Autor: • July 25, 2017 • Lab Report • 605 Words (3 Pages) • 1,088 Views
Lab report 6
“Ionic and covalent bonds”
Purpose of lab: the purpose of the lab 6 ( ionic and covalent bonds) was that you know the types of bondings in “ionic and covalent bonds “.
Intrductory paragraph: in this lab report we are going to differentiate two Substances, Substance a) and Substance b).
In the first experiment you can see different Odor and texture in both Substance (a and b ) and i noticed that Substance a) had a lumpy texture, strong tiner smell and it was color crystalline white; meanwhile Substance b) had a fine texture, didnt had any smell and was also white.
The second experiment was about melting point. We measured the temperature of the Substances by puting them below fire waiting to get the melting point. In Substance a) the melting point was (40c), while in Substance b) was above (110c) this Substance (b) is very resistant since it reached a high temperature and didnt melted.
The third experimet was dissolving in tolvent , in which we puted the Substances in a resipent with tolvent and waited to see their reaction. After a few minutes, Substances a) dissolved in the acid, meanwhile Substance b) resisted.
The fourth and last experiment was dissolving in water, in which we introduced the Substance in a resipent with water an waited to see What could happend. Substance a) resisted water whilst Substance b) completly dissolved in a few minutes.
- buns and buner. – thermometer
- glass rod. – spatula
-test tube. –beakers
-Substances (a.salt and b. No identifed)
Question: which substance is covalent and which One ionic? Based on my date table i can say that Substance a) is covalent and that substance b) is ionic, thanks to the caracteristics that define them..
Date table:
Odor, texture
Does smell, wite, not fine
No smell, fine texture, wite
Melting point