Biologia Biomas
Autor: • September 7, 2017 • Creative Writing • 349 Words (2 Pages) • 824 Views
Biologia biomas
Biotic factors
Abiotic factor
Tropical rainforests are home to more species than all other biomes together. As its name suggests, in the rainforest it rains a lot: fall at least 2 meters of rain a year! The tall trees form a dense and lush called canopy cover that can reach 50 to 80 meters high from the ground. In the shadow that is under the forest canopy, the lowest trees and vines form a layer called understory. The organic matter of the forest floor is recycled and reused quickly to the floor of almost all tropical rainforests is not very rich in nutrients
Plant life: The understory plants compete for sunlight, so almost all have large leaves that maximize the capture of the limited light. The tall trees growing on flat ground and with few nutrients often have roots shoring to support them. Plants epiphytes grow on the branches of the high plants rather than in the shell. Allows this epiphytes exploit the available sunlight while obtaining nutrients through their host.
Animal life: The animals are active all year. Many use camouflage to hide from predators; some can change color to match their surroundings. Animals that live in the understory have adaptations for climbing jump and fly.
Hot and humid all year round; thin soil with few nutrients subject to erosion.
Tropical Dry Forest
Dry tropical forests grow in areas where rainy seasons alternate with dry seasons. In most places, a prolonged drought period follows a period of rain.
Plant life: Adaptations to survive the dry season include seasonal loss of leaves. Plants that lose their leaves during a specific season are called deciduous. Some plants also have a thick waxy layer on additional leaves to reduce water loss or store water in their tissues.
Animal Life: Many animals reduce their need for water to enter a long period of inactivity called aestivation. Aestivation is similar to hibernation but usually takes place during dry seasons. Other animals, including many birds and primates, move to areas where there is water available during the dry season.
Warm all year; alternating wet and dry seasons; nutrient-rich soils subject to erosion.