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Autor:   •  December 19, 2018  •  692 Words (3 Pages)  •  541 Views

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Veterans are extremely special people not only because of the extent of the sacrifices they have made, but also because of their motives behind what they have sacrificed. Veterans served their country not because of something they had been promised .They did not serve to lift themselves up or obtain a place of honor. On the contrary, their service comes out of a place of honor they hold within themselves. Their bravery, fidelity, compassion, and dedication make what they do and what they have given up all the more moving. This selfless drive shared among veterans is truly the greatest form of love. Whether it is a Love of one's country, a love of one's people, or a Love of what is right, this powerful, active love is what drives good to be fought for. It is what keeps truth from being compromised. In the wise words of Edmund Burke, "All that is needed for the forces of evil to triumph is for enough good men to do nothing." Veterans are the living proof of all the good men and women who refused to yield to evil, and instead fought vivaciously for what is right.

People talk about giving your life like there is only one way to do it, to die a hero. That is something that should be honored to die for your nation, but we often ignore the other way to give your life, the darker way, the man who comes back, but doesn't come back at all. We prop up our heroes and we ignore those who struggle every day with what they had to see and what they had to do, those who lost something of themselves out their. So for this veterans day I would like to honor those soldiers, the one's who lost themselves in the conflicts, those still quietly struggling with this new life, and those who have lost themselves in that struggle


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