Autor: • February 27, 2018 • Creative Writing • 1,683 Words (7 Pages) • 521 Views
Types of prostitutes….………………………………3
Reason to be prostitute……………………………..5
It is said that it is the most ancient trade, but it is not a trade, the prostitution is a phenomenon that has existed from the beginning of the times, let's want to accept it or not, to understand the problems that this causes in the company, first we must understand that it is the prostitution in self .
In the personal thing I was interested in this topic because always it has been called me the attention to know how these persons live or why they do, how it is his life after exercising this activity, what happens with his lives, if really it costs a sorrow to risk to all kinds of critiques of the company and especially they are those who mainly suffer to diseases or psychological traumas, I want to develop this topic and to analyze the different perspectives or simply to see it from do of sight of them or briefly to put in his shoes. Inside this test I did a field investigation, visit some of the places in which these activity is exercised and it is interesting to listen to the motives that those who had to fall down in this
The prostitution is that activity carried out by an individual of any sex and that consists of the establishment of sexual contacts with another person in exchange for the payment of a certain sum of money. Though since we were mentioning the prostitution it is an activity that can be made concrete by individuals of both sexes, historically, it has been practiced mainly by women. Meanwhile, the prostitution can be a heterosexual or in his homosexual fault and also, is frequent, in the last years, involve persons transvestites, known popularly as transvestites, or transsexuals, those individuals whose sexual identity is in conflict, that is to say, were born men but they feel as women or upside-down and therefore they decide to surrender to an operation to modify his sex of origin. While it will call generically, prostitute/o to whom it recovers this type of activity as way of life. It has several you cause as the abandon of home, mistreatment, lack of employment, several persons exercise it because it is convenient for them or they like it and they them force other persons with threats or with drugs. In this work we will realize all the reasons and consequences, of the bad or good life that there take those who exercise it
The term prostitution comes from the Latin "prostiture" that literally means to be exposed to the looks of the public, to be in sale, to deal with the body.
The origin of the prostitution in the history, is located in the epoch in which there was effected the change of the matriarchal family to the patriarchal family; the woman suffers a total loss of the power that it was possessing, since previously it was she as family boss the manager of the sustenance and protection of the children. Since consequence of this change the woman loses the right to exercise some profession that is not her of attending to the husband and the children, there is at the time the domain of the male who pushes the woman to exercise the only trade that he still had: The prostitution.
The prostitution consists of the sale of sexual services in exchange for money or another type of remuneration. The person who exercises the prostitution receives the prostitute's name or prostitute.
Inside the feminine prostitution there are professional and occasional professionals, Semis.
* the professionals practice in opened form, in what they can do in brothels or houses of appointment, where they live, others, represent some hours or rent a quarter. They are in the habit of stopping at certain hour in the same site, cross the streets to select to his clientele, are employed at car, looking for the clients taking advantage of the semaphores or they look for the clientele partly of parks and public gardens, hotels, bars, cinema, you will dig, restaurants of luxury, etc
* The Semiprofessional ones shield themselves after an employment: waitresses, waitress of you will dig of luxury, caroler, ballerinas of nude, etc. The call girls work by means of telephonic appointments already is these for his account or by means of associations.
* The occasional ones can be typists, hard-working servants, students, housewives, etc, and practice for gaining some money or can do it to preserve his employment or to ascend of some position.
The persons' prostitution of the masculine sex does not escape to this topic, is so ancient as the feminine one, since in the Roman epoch already one saw since they were selling, were renting, there were big enough youths, which were increasing if they had musical instruction. So much one managed to expand the masculine prostitution that the Emperor Domiciano prohibited the prostitution of 7-year-old minor children. The difference exists with the feminine exercise, is that the men in general