The Grass Isn’t Always Greener on the Other Side
Autor: Sharon • October 17, 2018 • 1,887 Words (8 Pages) • 636 Views
While I do feel that Bierson has failed to present conclusive evidence of the inimicality of marijuana through the points made, it is not very intellectually honest to claim that marijuana is "innocuous" either. The properties of marijuana have shown not to be physically addictive, one can become psychologically addicted” Marijuana is different from a lot of other drugs of abuse,[…],some subtle physiological signs of withdrawal when a chronic user stops smoking—mildly elevated pulse, irritability, and so on--these physical effects are generally fairly mild, and they are dramatically less,[…], habitual user of alcohol, opiates (either heroin or any of the opioid pain pills), or benzodiazepines (such as Xanax or Klonopin) abruptly ceases use. In these latter instances, individuals in withdrawal can hallucinate, have greatly increased pulse and blood pressures, […], and in worst cases have seizures and even die”(Wesley 1). However, this is true of just about anything that can give one gratification, such as chocolate, wagering, or shopping. No substance will be safe for everybody, under all circumstances, or when utilized in exorbitant amounts. For example, over-the-counter medications can be pernicious for those who are allergic or who overdose. On the other hand, marijuana overdose has never been a sole reported cause of death” Nearly all medicines have toxic, potentially lethal effects. But marijuana is not such a substance. There is no record in the extensive medical literature describing a proven, documented cannabis-induced fatality”(“Drug Library”1). This is a huge contrast to alcohol, where one can very facilely establish one's demise, and at only a mere four times the licit limit.
Marijuana is an extremely controversial issue in society today, as many states included decriminalization and legalization proposals on their ballots. It can be very arduous to ken which side to fortify, partially due to the media propaganda, some of which even contradicts itself in its fervor. This is likely the result of many affluent and influential organizations that have a financial interest in this issue, from the pharmaceutical companies who stand to lose profits from legalization, the regimes who stands to gain from taxation, or the "dealers" who will be put out of business with the elimination of the black market. It seems that those with a vested interest in the legalization or perpetuated criminalization of marijuana will pull whatever strings compulsory to sway public opinion to their side.
Work Cited
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