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Andrew Carnegie

Autor:   •  September 12, 2018  •  978 Words (4 Pages)  •  600 Views

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Last, Carnegie’s final goal was to promote and accomplish World Peace. He believed international organizations like the EU can mediate problems and diffuse them before it gets to bad. He wrote in his book the Gospel of wealth, “The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced.” His goal was to put everything back into society and leave the earth a better place than when he dies. He created more than one organizations built on keeping international peace. After everything he worked for, he died in august 1919 only two months after the signing of The Treaty of Versailles. He was heartbroken over allowing WW1 to take place and also, did not accomplish his goal of investing all of his money into the society. He died with 30 million out of his 350 million total wealth. The rest went into his corporation towards peace.


When I was in 7th grade I read about Andrew Carnegie and horizontal integration. He was the first generation to start a monopoly by buying out all his competitors. It is now illegal but to do it while it was legal was genius and made him the richest man in history. I remembered him because I wanted to one day own a business and I wanted to copy him similarly. Recently I started reading a book about him called Think and Grow Rich. It is about a principle that he passed down to all his friends and family. He said If you work hard and believe you can do anything you put your mind too. It is about the mental concept to thinking like an Entrepreneur. The more I learn about him the better of a person he is. He is brilliant and dedicated his retired life to investing all his money into society. That must be the number one most selfless business man ever. In Conclusion Carnegie’s background, achievements, philanthropy, and death was incomparable to anybody else in history.


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