Autor: Rachel • February 18, 2019 • 2,313 Words (10 Pages) • 755 Views
Second, If the Senate were to repeal Obamacare, Americans would see the prices of insurance premium double. Before Obamacare was passed into law, Many Americans faced the challenge of trying to purchase insurance coverage to due high cost pricings. Many low-income Americans couldn’t afford insurance coverage due to financial restrictions causing many to neglect purchasing coverage. Obamacare lowered the pricing of insurance plans and low-income families has more access to plans such as Medicaid, CHIPs and Medicare without having to pay little to no cost out of pocket for any services they may have rendered. These plans offered more services to Americans including free wellness and preventive services, substance abuse rehabilitation coverage and more. With these services, Americans could finally receive the treatments needed to maintain and care for new and existing medical conditions or receive treatments needed for substance abuse care without the stress of how they will be able to afford the insurance needed to coverage the services they sought out. Without the securement of Obamacare, the nation could face as many as 18 million of Americans in the first year to become uninsured and new premium prices to increase to as much as 25%. By the year 2026, the nation could see these numbers increase to as many as 32 million Americans to become uninsured once again and premium rates to increase to as much as 50% (Rocheleau, 2017).
Third, Millions of Americans, from children to elderly adults, would lose access to free preventive and wellness services needed to control, catch and treat new and pre-existing conditions before they start or become worse. Results from a study conducted show that more than half of American’s who carry insurance through either a private insurance company or insurance through their employer, has acess to free preventive and wellness screenings and checkups. Some of these services including but not limited to: Free checkups for children, men and women. Other screenings include cancer screening, mammograms, birth control, immunizations, colonoscopy’s and more. These services are offered to individuals at no cost out of pocket and is covered 100% by their insurance company as a requirement of Obamacare (Marcus, 2017). Individuals who receive treatments for mental and substance abuse, often has coverage through Medicaid or Medicare depending on the individuals age and income. As with private and employer offered insurance, individuals on these government assistance programs also receive the same services as well as services that cover 100% of their mental and substance treatments and continuous monitoring’s. These particular conditions could include individuals with substance and alcohol abuse, bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety and much more and is covered fully by the government. For individuals with and without mental and substance abuse, the access to free preventive and wellness services has become beneficial in all Americans nationwide to be able to continuous treatments, monitoring and cures as needed to live a healthy prosperous life. Without these services, we could be faced with an epidemic of individuals once again neglecting new and current medical conditions and illnesses, replacing of those with mental and substance disorders, also resulting in many to either end up in jail or death rates to begin to increase (Holmes, 2017). Many physicians that work with individuals with mental and substance abuse disorders are highly concerned of the outcome individuals would face if the Senate were to repeal Obamacare. According to a study conducted by Richard Frank and Sherry Glied, there are more than 1.3 million Americans with mental and substance disorders that receive coverage through the Medicaid Expansion in helps to cover treatments and continuous monitoring needed with no limit to how many treatments, visits or medications are given to the individuals (Zezima & Ingraham, 2017).If Obamacare was removed from the insurance market, the main plan to go would be the Medicaid expansion and would than limit the eligibility of who would be qualified for Medicaid services once again. This would cause millions of Americans to lose coverage resulting in the individuals to go untreated, unmonitored, relapsing or even causing many to end up in jail or prison or death. Studies have shown that the main leading cause of deaths in our nation these days or of those individuals who suffer from pre-existing conditions or mental or substance abuse disorders. It has been said that more individuals die each year from opiate abuse than those who die from motor vehicle accidents (Zezima & Ingraham, 2017). As for individuals who are the other half that don’t suffer from either mental or substance abuse disorders, studies show that more than 130 million of these individuals between the years of 2005 to 2010, passed away from complications due to their medical conditions. All of these studies and results are due to the lack of insurance the individuals had causing each individual to neglect the necessary needs in order to control their illness (Obamacarefacts, 2017).
Conclusion, even though Obamacare has had its flaws, Americans depend on Obamacare to meet their medical needs now that they have the chance to obtain the insurance coverage needed to do so. We take this away from Americans, it’s almost like ripping a band aid off a wound. It’s going to really hurt our nation. We are stripping away every chance our nation has of continuing to have healthy lives. Why would you take away something that has become so beneficial and relied on by Americans all over the world and cause a catastrophe in the healthcare market place, instead why not make changes to an already insurance marketplace and make it better than it is now. If we take away Obamacare even if there is a replacement, we are asking to end up back to where we started before Obamacare was passed when Americans neglected to purchase insurance and neglected to treat conditions. We will see death rates rise, health care systems to become so unaffordable that facilities will began facing closure due to lack of patients and would again face epidemics of outbreaks in our communities due to lack of treatments for medical illness that will spread from individual to individual. With Obamacare we have been able to finally live a life where no individual has to stress about coverage and treatments and can now begin to get the services they need to stay healthy or treat on going conditions.
Healthcare, (2017). Health benefits and coverage. Coverage for pre-existing conditions. Retrieved from https://www.healthcare.gov/coverage/pre-existing-conditions/