How to Use Those Pesky Little Squiggles
Autor: Joshua • January 18, 2018 • 861 Words (4 Pages) • 668 Views
- Before we go over these rules it is important to understand what conjunctions are. Conjunctions are simply a word that joins two parts of a sentence.
- Conjunctions can be easily remember by recalling the acronym FANBOYS
- For
- And
- Nor
- But
- Or
- Yet
- So
#4 One simple sentence + another simple sentence= comma needed
An important rule to remember is that when you have two simple sentences joined with a conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or yet, so—FANBOYS), you need a comma.
- Mia likes to curl up on the sofa, and Luna likes to chase the dog around the house.
- Write your own examples:
- Alejandra wants to go to a party, but her father it’s not going to let her.
- Luis is always watching TV, and his mother is angry for that.
- She hates to go to school, but her parents force her to go.
Keep in mind that you DO NOT need a comma to separate an independent and dependent clause.
- Example:
- Mia watched the cars out the window and swished her tail.
- Write an example in the space below.
- He works in Walmart all day and never take a break.
#5 Lists
Commas create organization in lists of items (nouns) or lists of descriptions (adjectives).
- Examples:
- Mia’s favorite flavors of cat food are tuna, trout, and chicken.
- Every day when I come home from school I have to feed my cats, play with them, and give them a treat.
- If all items in a series are joined by and, or, or nor do not use a comma to separate them.
- Example:
- Luna likes to play with toys and chase his tail and pounce on Mia’s head.
- Write examples of lists that needs commas in the space below:
- She loves ballet because she can dance, use beautiful dresses, and make up.
- He never go to the hospital because he hates see people sick, and dying.
- Louise always go to cinema because he loves popcorn, support the movies, and watch movies in a theater.
#6 Miscellaneous
- Use commas after someone’s name if you are addressing them:
- Greg, how did you manage to ace the test?
- The difference, Clara, is that I actually studied.
- Use commas with quotation marks.
- “They’re by the front door,” he said.
- He said, “Wake me up before you leave.”
- Use a comma in dates:
- Today is February 23, 2015