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Autor:   •  September 5, 2018  •  11,250 Words (45 Pages)  •  648 Views

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Like Tinto, Bean (1983) developed an attrition and retention theory using socio-economic variables. He asserted that student’s retention and attrition level is directly related to his socio-economic attributes in as much as the dictate of the same directly and collaterally affect student’s status.

On the aspect of sociological factor, the family is considered an important factor in the achievement of the student. The achievement of their children is mirrored on the potential innovative and persistency to push their children to complete post secondary program thus earning bachelor’s degree. As supported by Ford (1998) that parents’ level of education, occupation and employment status had little relationship to student’s commitment to academic achievement. When the child lack of commitment to academic achievement, the same lack the interest to pursue and finish his studies.

Marshall (1995) found out that parents emphasized education, religion, self-esteem and hard work on their children to pursue their studies. Clark (1996) found out that those students who were high achievers were found to be from homes where parents were warm and nurturing; set clear limits on behavior; strongly encouraged academic achievement and carefully monitored their children’s activities. The parents exhibited optimism and faith in their children’s ability to do well. They frequently communicated about academic preparation and progress. In contrast, the parent’s of low achieving children were overwhelmed by stress; felt they had little control and exhibits signs of depression. There was also a sign of defeat in their homes.

It is known that parental perseverance and sacrifices to ensure a better life for their children are often reflected on the cultures of the home. Though there is an establish compatibility between the home and school aim for child’s development but the same need to be examined in order to look into the broader context of this study.

Figure 1 indicated that socio-economic factors which embrace cognitive, social and institutional as part of the independent variables of this study are most likely to affect the retention and attrition of a student in his or her persistence for a college degree in hotel and restaurant management. Said independent variables are being intervened by the following intervening variables as follows, respondent’s parents occupation, respondent’s parents monthly income, respondent’s parents educational attainment, respondent’s religion and the size of the respondent’s family. These intervening variables translates into the rate of attrition and retention among HRM students as the dependent variable of this study.


Independent Variables

Intervening Variables

Dependent Variable

Socio-Economic Factors

- Cognitive;

- Social; and

- Institutional

[pic 1]

1.1. Parent’s Occupation

1.2. Parent’s Monthly


1.3. Parent’s



1.4. Religion

1.5. Size of the family

[pic 2]

Rate of Attrition and Retention among HRM Students

Figure 1 – Schematic Diagram of the Study


Statement of the problem

The primary purpose of this study aimed in determining the relationship between socio-economic factors in the attrition or retention of Hotel and Restaurant Students of Jose Rizal Memorial State College, Dipolog Campus during the Academic Year 2008-2009.

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following conditions:

- What is the profile of the Hotel and Restaurant students of Jose Rizal Memorial State College – Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City in terms of the following:

- Parent’s occupation;

- Parent’s annual income;

- Parent’s educational attainment;

- Religion; and

- Size of the Family?

- What are the socio-economic factors perceived by the respondents in terms of:

- Cognitive;

- Social; and

- Institutional factors?

- What is the rate of attrition and retention among the enrollees of hotel and restaurant management of Academic Year 2005-2006 with respect to Academic Year 2008-2009?

- Is there a significant difference among the factors in socio-economy in terms of:

- Cognitive;

- Social; and

- Institutional factors?

- Is there a significant relationship between socio-economic factors and the rates of attrition and retention of Hotel and Restaurant Management students in Jose Rizal Memorial State College – Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City?


This study utilized the herein hypotheses as a guide in conducting this study, as follows:

Ho1: There is no significant difference among the socio-economic factors in terms of cognitive, social and institutional factors.

Ho2: There is no significant relationship between socio-economic factors and the rate of attrition and retention of hotel and restaurant management students.

Significance of the Study

This study enabled us to know the relationship between socio-economic status and the rate of attrition and retention of hotel and restaurant management students in Jose Rizal Memorial State College -Dipolog Campus, Dipolog


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